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Each Battle won brings one of the sides closer to victory in the Siege.

There is a check on the strength of the attack power of both factions every 960 blocks. The Faction with
the superior attack power wins the battle.
The victorious battle is recorded in the total score of the Siege of the Castle. At the end of the
Siege, the team with the most victories in battles is considered the winner.
At the end of each battle, there is a distribution of $SPH. The amount of $SPH is determined by the formula.
::card_formula ::formula , :: where:
- AmountNFT: the total number of NFTs in the game at the time of the Battle;
- 4000 is the maximum amount of $SPH that is distributed after the Battle;
- 200 is the maximum total number of NFTs in a game. ::
The sum of the attack power of both sides is 100%, each Faction will receive an amount of $SPH from the total pool, but depending on the amount of attack power as a percentage.
::card_info Example:
- Faction 1: 170 attack power;
- Faction 2: 280 attack power;
- Faction 2 wins the battle 170 + 280 = 450 (100%);
- Faction 1 will receive 1511.2 SPH (170 attack power is 37.78% of 450);
- Faction 2 will receive 2488.8 SPH (280 attack power is 62.22% of 450) ::
::card_warning The distribution of rewards within the faction also occurs depending on the strength of the attack. The character with the highest attack power will get the biggest reward. The calculation takes place for each NFT separately. ::
The distribution of $SPH within the faction is determined by the formula.
::card_formula ::formula , :: where:
- NFTAttack: an attack of a single NFT;
- FactionAttack: an attack of the Faction to which the NFT belongs (without strengthening the Faction's attack);
- FactionSPHReward: the total Faction reward for the past battle ($SPH). ::