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Taptrack TCMP Tappy SDK

This project provides an SDK for interfacing with a TapTrack Tappy NFC readers. The 'app' module contains the Tappy NFC Reader demo app found at

When building the 'app' module for testing, remove all references to the keystore from app/build.gradle.

This version replaces the previous TappyBLE SDK and provides a simplified API as well as the ability to use TappyUSB readers with Android devices that can act as a USB Host.


The TCMPTappy-Android SDK modules are available on Maven Central. To include it in your project, simply add the following lines to your dependencies. The SDK is split into various artifacts so developers can choose which dependencies are needed in a piecemeal fashion:

    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-system:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-type4:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-stmicroM24SR02:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-ntag21x:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-standalonecheckin:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-mifareclassic:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:commandfamily-basicnfc:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:tappyble:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:tappyusb:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:tappy:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:tcmpconverter:2.4.1'
    implementation 'com.taptrack:tcmp:2.4.1'

Versions on previous package managers are not recommended for new projects

Note: Ensure that the Maven Central repository is in your project's Gradle file:

repositories {
    maven { url "" } //Needed for com.taptrack:tappy to resolve the USB driver dependency

Note about namespacing: com.taptrack.tcmptappy2 vs com.taptrack.tcmptappy:

Due to a legacy dependency both of these namespaces may appear in your available libraries. The implementations and updates of this repository are all in the com.taptrack.tcmptappy2 namespace. Direct usage of the legacy com.taptrack.tcmptappy is deprecated.


The Tappy operates on an asynchronous communication model. In order to tell the Tappy to perform an operation, you send it a command with the details of the operation to perform. The Tappy similarly sends asynchronous responses back to the client to inform it of any pertinent events that occurred. Depending on the command sent to the Tappy assuming no error occurs, it may reply immediately (PingCommand->PingResponse), it may not reply at all (StopCommand), or it may provide a variable number of responses (StreamTags-> TagFound and TimeoutReached).

Universal Tappy Interface

Regardless of what type of Tappy you are using, they will conform to the same interface specified in In a nutshell, at a minimum, you will have to register a ResponseListener using registerResponseListener and a statusListener using registerStatusListener.

When the statusListener receives a status of Tappy.STATUS_READY, the connection is active and ready to transmit TCMP commands to the Tappy via sendMessage(). In order to trigger the connection procedure, you should call connect() and make sure to disconnect() as well as close() the Tappy when you are done.

    tappy.registerStatusListener((status) -> {
        if (status == Tappy.STATUS_READY) {
            tappy.sendMessage(new PingCommand());

    tappy.registerResponseListener((response) -> {
        Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE","Received a response");


    // some time later

TappyBLE Specifics

Device Discovery

In order to connect to a TappyBLE, you must first search for it in order to get the relevant BluetoothDevice that Android's BLE stack can then use to connect to it. While you can manually invoke Android's BLE searching functionality, it is generally recommended to use the TappyBleScanner provided in the SDK. The TappyBleScanner will invoke Android's BLE scanning functionality and call a listener with a TappyBleDeviceDefinition whenever it finds a Tappy. These device definitions encapsulate all the information needed to connect to a Tappy and can be persisted to an Android Parcelable using ParcelableTappyBleDeviceDefinition. Note that the listener will be called each time Android's BLE scanning functionality detects the Tappy, so take care to avoid trying to connect to the same Tappy twice.

TappyBleScanner scanner = TappyBleScanner.get();

scanner.registerTappyBleFoundListener((tappyBleDefinition)-> {
    Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE","Found a TappyBLE");


// some time later


Once you have a BluetoothDevice or TappyBleDeviceDefinition that corresponds to a Tappy, you can instantiate a TappyBle using the static getTappyBle methods:

Tappy tappyOne = TappyBle.get(context, bluetoothDevice);

Tappy tappyTwo = TappyBle.get(context, tappyBluetoothDeviceDefinition);


On all versions of Android, in order to connect to a Bluetooth device, your app will need to hold the BLUETOOTH permission as well as BLUETOOTH_ADMIN to search for devices. On versions later than SDK level 23 (Marshmallow), you will additionally need to hold either the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION runtime permissions in order to search for Bluetooth devices. Additionally, while relatively rare in modern times, it is possible for a device to support Bluetooth without supporting BLE/Bluetooth Smart, so it may be a good idea to check for BLE support explicitly.

TappyUSB Specifics

Device Discovery

Detecting TappyUSB devices is a somewhat different procedure than detecting TappyBLE devices. There are two different approaches you can use to get one of the UsbDevice instances Android uses to represent connected USB devices.

Programmatic Discovery

In order to perform programmatic detection you can use the getPotentialTappies(Context) static method on the TappyUsb class.

List<UsbDevice> devices = TappyUsb.getPotentialTappies(context)

Note that, due to limitations of the detection procedure, this may also return other devices that use the same USB chip that the Tappy does, so take care if you have multiple USB serial devices connected to your Android device.

Manifest-based Discovery

In addition to programmatically discovering potential TappyUSB devices, you can register your application as an option for Android to open when the user plugs in a Tappy. In order to do this, you will need to register an intent-filter in your application manifest so Android knows to call your Activity.


        <action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED"/>


The tappy_device_filter file is included in the tappyusb module's resources so you should not need to create it. When registered in this way, your Activity can be started with an intent that contains a UsbDevice in its extras bundle referenced by the UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE key

UsbDevice device = intent.getParcelableExtra<UsbDevice>(UsbManager.EXTRA_DEVICE)


Instead of requiring that the developer register a permission in the manifest to access USB devices, Android requires that the user grant the app explicit permission to access specific devices at runtime. If you used the manifest-based discovery, the user electing to use the device with your app when prompted by the system automatically grants this permission.

However, if programmatic discovery is used, you must request this permission before you can interact with a device. You can perform this procedure manually if you so choose, or you can use the UsbPermissionDelegate provided in the tappyusb module.

PermissionListener listener = new UsbPermissionDelegate.PermissionListener(){
    public void permissionDenied(UsbDevice device) {
        Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE","Permission was denied");

    public void permissionGranted(UsbDevice device) {
        Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE","Got permission!");

UsbPermissionDelegate delegate = UsbPermissionDelegate(context,listener);


// don't forget to unregister when done


Once you have your UsbDevice and have received permission to interact with it, simply pass it to the static getTappyUsb method along with a context to get a Tappy instance.

Tappy usbTappy = TappyUsb.getTappyUsb(context,device);


The messaging protocol used by Tappy devices for commands and responses is called the Tappy Command Messaging Protocol (TCMP). TCMP defines a set of independent CommandFamilies that each contain a set of Commands and Responses.

    // The System Family includes commands like getting the battery
    // level for battery-operated Tappies or setting configuration options
    // as well as responses that the Tappy returns if it receives
    // invalid TCMP commands
    implementation "com.taptrack.tcmptappy2:commandfamily-system:$LATEST_VERSION"

    // The BasicNFC family includes operations like scanning for and writing
    // to NFC tags
    implementation "com.taptrack.tcmptappy2:commandfamily-basicnfc:$LATEST_VERSION"

Note: The command families are versioned independently from each other as well as the core SDK, please visit their specific repositories for version numbers.

Resolving Responses

The SDK does not automatically resolve received responses into specific TCMP responses, instead it simply verifies the that the packet is not corrupted and passes it to the client for resolution and payload verification.

While it is possible to this manually, it is recommended to use a command family's MessageResolver. If you expect to receive responses from multiple CommandFamilies, you should use the MessageResolverMux from the tcmp module to combine multiple MessageResolvers. Since it is always possible to receive responses from the System command family, you should almost always be using a ResolverMux.

MessageResolver resolver = new MessageResolverMux(
    new BasicNfcCommandResolver(),
    new SystemCommandResolver()

try {
    TCMPMessage resolvedResponse = resolver.resolveResponse(someResponse)
    if (resolvedResponse == null) {
        Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE", "Message not supported by this resolver");
    } else if (resolvedResponse instanceof PingResponse) {
        Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE", "Ping response received");
    } else {
        Log.v("TAPPY_EXAMPLE", "Non-ping response received");
} catch (MalformedPayloadException e) {
    Log.e("TAPPY_EXAMPLE", "Payload format was incorrect for response",e);

Wristcoin POS command family

For the purpose of demonstrating the Wristcoin POS SDK in this project we have included the wristcoinpos package in the app directory. However, for developers who want to include this SDK in their own projects please visit WristCoinPOS