You can run pivotal bank locally and get full functionality with some modified circuit breaker dashboard experience. The key is ensuring that each of the dependencies are running.
All services depend on a config server and discovery server. Run the following commands in separate terminal windows. The discovery server has configurations specific for running locally
- Config Server (runs on localhost:8888) You can test it out by accessing http://localhost:8888/quotes-service/local. The configuration of this config server watches the local file system where cf-SpringBootTRADER-config is. So to have your changes take affect, you only have to edit the file. No need to commit if you are just playing around.
cd configServer
./gradlew bootRun
- Discovery Server (runs on localhost:8761) You can test it out by accessing http://localhost:8761/
cd configServer
./gradlew bootRun
In order to run the services, you will need to launch the following in separate terminal windows
cd <service_director>
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=local ./gradlew bootRun
Use the following for dependencies:
- quotes: http://localhost:8083 , no dependencies
- accounts: http://localhost:8082 , no dependencies
- user: http://localhost:8084 , no dependencies
- portfolio: http://localhost:8081 , depends on quotes and accounts
- web: http://localhost:8080 , depends on portfolio, users, quotes, and accounts