Given n non-negative integers representing an elevation map where the width of each bar is 1, compute how much water it is able to trap after raining.
For example,
Given [0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1]
, return 6
class Solution {
func trap(_ height: [Int]) -> Int {
guard height.count >= 3 else { return 0 }
var total = 0
var flags = [Int]()
let count = height.count - 1
for i in 0...count {
let l = i == 0 ? true : height[i] >= height[i - 1]
let r = i == count ? true : height[i] >= height[i + 1]
if l && r {
while flags.count >= 2,
height[flags[flags.count - 2]] >= height[flags.last!],
height[flags.last!] <= height[i] {
guard flags.count > 0 else { return 0}
for i in 0..<(flags.count - 1) {
let a = flags[i]
let b = flags[i+1]
var h = 0
let minH = min(height[a], height[b])
for j in a...b {
let th = minH - height[j]
if th > 0 { h += th }
total += h
return total