First of all, thank you for taking out your time to contribute!
Pull Requests only against the develop branch of the repo. Clone the SwellRT source code from the GitHub repo:
$ git clone /~
SwellRT can be setup for eclipse and intellij IDE's.
Running ./gradlew eclipse
or ./gradlew idea
will generate all project files needed.
In a situation where dependencies have changed or project structure has changed
run ./gradlew cleanEclipse
or ./gradlew cleanIdea
depending on your IDE.
Java 8 and Gradle 2.8+ are required to build the project.
Gradle tasks can be run by:
$ ./gradlew [task name]
compileJava: builds server.
devWeb: compile Javascript Web client for development.
prodWeb: compile Javascript Web client for production (optimized, minimized).
- test: runs the standard unit tests.
Run server:
- run: runs server. By default, Javascript client is at http://localhost:9898/swellrt-beta.js
Debug server:
- run --debug-jvm: the server process will accept connection of remote debugger on port 5005.
Debug Web API:
- debugWeb: starts the GWT dev mode to debug the Javascript client. Debug mode only works for one target browser, according to settings in /wave/src/main/resources/org/swellrt/beta/client/ServiceFrontendDebug.gwt.xml
Distribution Tasks:
- jar: builds jar file for the project.
- sourcesJar: builds a source jar file for each project.
- createDist: builds the zip and tar file for bin and source.
- createDistBin: builds the zip for distribution.
- createDistBinZip: builds the zip for distribution.
- createDistBinTar: builds the tar for distribution.
- createDistSource: builds the zip and tar file for distributing the source.
- createDistSourceZip: builds the zip for distributing the source.
- createDistSourceTar: builds the tar for distributing the source.
SwellRT client's source code is written in Java/GWT-JsInterop. It is designed to target eventually...
a JavaScript library to be used in Web (currently available)
a GWT module be imported in GWT projects (currently available but not tested yet)
a Java Android library (requires to replace platform dependent HTTP/Websocket libraries)
a JavaScript library for NodeJs (requires to replace platform dependent HTTP/Websocket libraries)
ideally, a Objective-C version using java2Objc (future plan)
Java Packages:
org.swellrt.beta container for all Beta source code.
org.swellrt.beta.model SwellRT data model interfaces and common classes
org.swellrt.beta.model.local implementation of data model interfaces, backed by client's data structures
org.swellrt.beta.model.remote implementation of data model interfaces backed by Waves and Wavelets
org.swellrt.beta.model.js Javascript/Browser specific binding classes (ES6 Proxies)
org.swellrt.beta.wave.transport Wave client protocol classes related with transport. In general this is platform dependent code
org.swellrt.beta.client Client API implementation. Shared interface for Java, GWT, and JS (JsInterop)
org.swellrt.beta.client.operation Implementation of each API operation including HTTP
org.swellrt.beta.client.js JsInterop Browser specific bindings
Get more info about data model implementation in org.swellrt.beta.model.remote.SObjectRemote Javadoc.