We welcome contributions to SMdRQA! This guide outlines how you can get involved and contribute to the project.
Getting Started
To contribute to SMdRQA, you'll need a development environment set up with Python 3.9,3.10,3.11 and the following dependencies:
- contextlib2
- kuramoto
- matplotlib
- memory-profiler
- networkx
- numba
- numpy
- operator-courier
- p-tqdm
- pandas
- pytest-warnings
- scipy
- tqdm
Contribution Guidelines
We appreciate various contributions, including bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests. Here's how you can submit each:
Bug Reports:
- If you encounter a bug, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository.
- In your report, please include:
- A clear description of the bug
- Steps to reproduce the bug (if possible)
- Any relevant error messages or logs
Feature Requests:
- If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository.
- In your request, please describe:
- The desired functionality of the feature
- The potential benefits of the feature
Pull Requests:
- We encourage pull requests for bug fixes and new features.
- Before submitting a pull request, please:
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Follow the PEP 8 style guide for code formatting.
- Write unit tests for your changes (if applicable).
- Once ready, submit a pull request to the main repository.
To run the test suite for SMdRQA, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and run:
# Replace 'your_test_command' with the actual command to run tests
python -m unittest your_test_command
Additional Information
- Code of Conduct:[/~https://github.com/SwaragThaikkandi/SMdRQA/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md]
- Contact: If you have any questions or need help contributing, feel free to reach out through email.
- Attribution: We appreciate contributions from all developers. Please note that by submitting a contribution, you agree to the package's GPL-3 License[/~https://github.com/SwaragThaikkandi/SMdRQA/blob/main/LICENSE].