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Stefouch edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 8 revisions

Gets a monster from the catalogs.

If no argument is provided, instead generates a random monster according to the tables found in the Zone Compendium 1: The Lair of the Saurians.


!monster [game] <monster> [[-attack|-atk|-a] [number]] [-private|-p]
!mon     [game] <monster> [[-attack|-atk|-a] [number]] [-private|-p]
Argument Description
[game] Specifies the game you are using. Can be omitted.
<monster> Specifies the name of the monster you want to fetch.
[-attack|-atk|-a] [number] Specifies that you also want to roll an attack. If a number is added, the bot will use that value instead of rolling a random attack.
You can also type <monster> [number] instead of the <monster> -a [number]).
-private|-p Sends the message in a private DM.

See Also


!monster myz cannibal -p
!mon myz automaton -a
!mon alien xeno 6 -p

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