Project | Built with | How to run | License | Get in touch
💈 A barber scheduling app allowing users to choose from a list of barbers and barbers to track their appointments. 💈
This project was developed with the following technologies:
To run the application you will need:
I strongly recommend using Docker to run the databases.
If you decide to use docker, follow this steps to install and run the docker image.
# install Postgres image (if you don't specify an username it will be postgres by default)
$ docker run --name postgresimagename -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourPassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
# install Mongo image
$ docker run --name mongoimagename -p 27017:27017 -d -t mongo
# install Redis image
docker run --name redisimageName -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine
# start Postgres
$ docker start postgresimagename
# start Mongo
docker start mongoimagename
# start Redis
docker start redisimageName
Now clone the repository and install the dependencies.
# to clone the repository
$ git clone /~
# go into the backend folder
$ cd gobarber/backend
#install the backend dependencies
$ yarn
In order to connect to the database, you will need to enter the access informations into a ormconfig.json. You can find more about it here.
Also, you have to configure the enviroments variables in the .env file, based on a .env.example file that is provided in the backend folder, change the variables according to your environment.
# run migrations
$ yarn typeorm migration:run
# run api
$ yarn dev:server
# in another tab of the terminal install the frontend dependencies and run it
$ cd frontend
$ yarn
$ yarn start
for mobile you need the Android emulator with the SDK installed or IOS emulator and the react-native cli.
The project was developed and tested on Android emulator
# install dependencies and run the mobile
$ cd mobile
$ yarn
# first open the emulator and start the react native server
$ yarn start
# in another tab install and run the app
$ yarn android
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information
Made with ☕ and ❤️ by Stefano Saffran.