diff --git a/files/customVariables.json b/files/customVariables.json index cd958a7730..7196b8756a 100644 --- a/files/customVariables.json +++ b/files/customVariables.json @@ -53274,6 +53274,242 @@ "PCSI00011": "PlayStation Mobile Runtime Package", "PCSI00013": "PlayStation Now" }, + "TeknoParrot": { + "2Spicy": "Too Spicy", + "3DCosplayMahjong": "3D Cosplay Mahjong", + "abc": "After Burner Climax", + "AkaiKatanaShinNesica": "Akai Katana Shin", + "Aleste": "Aleste", + "AliensExtermination": "Aliens: Extermination", + "AlpineRacer": "Super Alpine Racer", + "AquapazzaAquaplusDreamMatch": "Aquapazza: Aquaplus Dream Match", + "ArcadeLove": "Ge-Sen Love: Plus Pengo!", + "ArcanaHeart2Nesica": "Arcana Heart 2", + "ArcanaHeart3Exboard": "Arcana Heart 3", + "ArcanaHeart3Nesica": "Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX SixStarS", + "BaseballHeroes": "Baseball Heroes 2", + "Batman": "Batman", + "BattleClimax": "Battle Climaxx!", + "BattleFantasia": "Battle Fantasia", + "BattleFantasiaNesica": "Battle Fantasia Network Edition", + "BattleGear4": "Battle Gear 4", + "BattleGear4Tuned": "Battle Gear 4 Tuned", + "BBCF": "BlazBlue: Central Fiction", + "BBCP": "BlazBlue: Chronophantasma", + "BladeArcus": "Blade Arcus", + "BladeStrangers": "Blade Strangers", + "BladeStrangersAPM3": "Blade Strangers (APM3)", + "BlazBlueCalaminityTrigger": "BlazBlue: Calaminity Trigger", + "BlazBlueContinuumShift": "BlazBlue: Continuum Shift", + "BlazBlueContinuumShift2": "BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2", + "BlazBlueCrossTagBattle": "BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle", + "BlazingAngels": "Blazing Angels", + "BorderBreakScramble": "Border Break Scramble", + "CaladriusAC": "Caladrius AC", + "Cars": "Cars", + "CC": "Chaos Code", + "ChaosBreaker": "Chaos Breaker", + "ChaosCodeNSOC103": "Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe v1.03.00", + "ChaosCodeNSOC211": "Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe v2.11", + "ChaseHQ2": "Chase H.Q. 2", + "Contra": "Contra: Evolution", + "CottonRnR": "Cotton Rock'n'Roll", + "CrimzonClover": "Crimzon Clover", + "CSNEO": "Counter-Strike Neo", + "D1GP": "D1GP Arcade", + "DaemonBrideAG": "Daemon Bride: Additional Gain", + "DaemonBrideExboard": "Daemon Bride (eX-Board)", + "DariusBurst": "Dariusburst: Another Chronicle", + "Daytona3": "Daytona Championship USA", + "Daytona3NSE": "Daytona Championship USA - NSE", + "DeadHeat": "Dead Heat", + "DeadHeatRiders": "Dead Heat Riders", + "DengekiBunkoFightingClimax": "Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax APM3 Edition", + "DirtyDrivin": "Dirty Drivin'", + "DOA5": "Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade", + "DOA6": "Dead or Alive 6", + "DoNotFallRunforYourDrink": "Do Not Fall: Run For Your Drink", + "DragonDanceNesica": "Dragon Dance", + "EADP": "Elevator Action Death Parade", + "ElevatorAction": "Elevator Action", + "EnEinsPerfektewelt": "En-Eins Perfektewelt", + "ExceptionNesica": "Exception", + "FarCryParadiseLost": "Far Cry Paradise Lost", + "FightingClimax": "Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax", + "FightingClimaxIgnition": "Fighting Climax Ignition", + "FigureHeads": "Figure Heads Type A", + "FNF": "The Fast and the Furious", + "FNFDrift": "The Fast and the Furious Drift", + "FNFSB": "The Fast and the Furious Super Bikes", + "FNFSB2": "The Fast and the Furious Super Bikes 2", + "FNFSC": "The Fast and the Furious SuperCars", + "FR": "Ford Racing: Full Blown", + "FrenzyExpress": "Frenzy Express", + "GaelcoChampionshipTuningRace": "Gaelco Championship Tuning Race", + "GaiaAttack4": "Gaia Attack 4", + "GG": "SEGA Golden Gun", + "GGS": "Guilty Gear: Strive", + "GGXrd": "Guilty Gear Xrd REV2", + "GGXrdAPM3": "Guilty Gear Xrd REV2", + "GGXrdSIGN": "Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-", + "GGXX": "Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R", + "GHA": "Guitar Hero Arcade", + "GigaWingGenerations": "GigaWing Generations", + "Goketsuji": "Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Senzo Kuyou", + "GoonyaFighter": "Goonya Fighter", + "GRID": "GRID", + "GrooveCoaster2": "Groove Coaster 2: Heavenly Festival", + "GSEVO": "Ghost Squad Evolution", + "GtiClub3": "GTI Club: Supermini Festa!", + "Gunslinger": "Gunslinger Stratos 3", + "H2Overdrive": "H2Overdrive", + "Harikiri": "Harikiri Baseball", + "Homura": "Homura", + "HorseRiders": "Horse Riders 2", + "HOTD4": "The House of the Dead 4", + "HOTD4SP": "The House of the Dead 4 Special", + "HOTDEX": "The House of the Dead EX", + "HOTDSD": "The House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn", + "HyperStreetFighterII": "Hyper Street Fighter II - The Anniversary Edition", + "ID4Exp": "Initial D: Arcade Stage 4 (Export)", + "ID4Jap": "Initial D: Arcade Stage 4 (Japanese)", + "ID5": "Initial D: Arcade Stage 5 (Export)", + "ID6": "Initial D: Arcade Stage 6 Double Ace", + "ID7": "Initial D: Arcade Stage 7 Double Ace Cross", + "ID8": "Initial D: Arcade Stage 8 Infinity", + "IDZ": "Initial D: Arcade Stage Zero", + "IDZv2": "Initial D: Arcade Stage Zero ver.2", + "Ikaruga": "Ikaruga", + "JusticeLeague": "Justice League - Heroes United", + "Kasiori": "Kasiori", + "KingofFighters98UltimateMatchFinalEditionNesica": "The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition", + "KingofFighters98UnlimitedMatch": "The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match", + "KingofFightersMaximumImpactRegulationA": "KOF Maximum Impact Regulation A", + "KingofFightersSkyStage": "KOF Sky Stage", + "KingofFightersXII": "The King of Fighters XII", + "KingofFightersXIII": "The King of Fighters XIII", + "KingofFightersXIIIClimax": "The King of Fighters XIII Climax", + "KingofFightersXIIIClimaxNesica": "The King of Fighters XIII Climax", + "KODrive": "K.O. Drive", + "Koihime": "Koihime Enbu", + "KoihimeEnbuAPM3": "Koihime Performance Ryorai Ryorai Ver 3", + "LGI": "Let's Go Island: Lost on the Island of Tropics", + "LGI3D": "Let's Go Island 3D: Lost on the Island of Tropics", + "LGJ": "Let's Go Jungle: Lost on the Island of Spice", + "LGJS": "Let's Go Jungle Special", + "LGS": "Let's Go Safari", + "LostLand": "Lost Land Adventure", + "LuigisMansion": "Luigi's Mansion Arcade", + "Lupin3": "Lupin 3", + "MagicalBeat": "Magical Beat", + "MaiMaiGreen": "maimai GreeN", + "MB": "Melty Blood: Actress Again - Current Code", + "Mballblitz": "Super Monkey Ball: Ticket Blitz", + "MeltyBloodRE2": "Melty Blood (RE2)", + "MKDX": "Mario Kart: Arcade GP DX", + "MKDXUSA": "Mario Kart DX USA", + "MS": "MachStorm", + "NicktoonsNitro": "Nicktoons Nitro Racing", + "Nirin": "Nirin", + "NitroplusBlasterz": "Nitro+ Blasterz: Heroines Infinite Duel", + "Nosferatu": "Nosferatu Lilinor", + "OG": "Operation G.H.O.S.T.", + "or2spdlx": "OutRun 2 SP SDX", + "OtoshuDX": "Otoshu DX", + "Pengo5": "Pengo Online", + "Persona4A": "P4U: Persona 4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena", + "Persona4U": "P4UU: Persona 4 The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold", + "PhantomBreaker": "Phantom Breaker: Another Code", + "PokkenTournament": "Pokkén Tournament", + "PowerInstinctV": "Gouketsuji Ichizoku: Senzo Kuyou", + "PPQ": "Puyo Puyo!! Quest Arcade", + "ProjectDiva": "Project Diva Arcade", + "PuyoPuyoEsports": "Puyo Puyo eSports", + "PuzzleBobble": "Puzzle Bobble", + "RadikalBikers": "Radikal Bikers", + "RaidenIII": "Raiden III", + "RaidenIIINesica": "Raiden III", + "RaidenIV": "Raiden IV", + "RaidenIVNesica": "Raiden IV", + "Rambo": "Rambo", + "RastanSaga": "Rastan Saga", + "RingRiders": "Ring Riders", + "RollingGunner": "Rolling Gunner", + "R-Tuned": "R-Tuned : Ultimate Street Racing", + "RumbleFish2Nesica": "The Rumble Fish 2", + "SamuraiSpiritsSen": "Samurai Spirits Sen", + "SchoolOfRagnarok": "School of Ragnarok", + "SDR": "Dream Raiders", + "SegaOlympic2016": "Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games", + "segartv": "SEGA Race TV", + "SenkoNoRondeDuo": "Senko no Ronde: DUO - Dis-United Order", + "SenkoNoRondeDuoNesica": "Senko no Ronde: DUO - Dis-United Order", + "Shigami3": "Shikigami no Shiro III", + "ShiningForceCrossElysion": "Shining Force: Cross Elysion", + "ShiningForceCrossExlesia": "Shining Force: Cross Exlesia", + "ShiningForceCrossRaid": "Shining Force: Cross Raid", + "SilentHill": "Silent Hill: The Arcade", + "Skullgirls2E": "Skullgirls 2nd Encore", + "SnoCross": "Winter X Games SnoCross", + "Snowboarder": "X-Games Snowboarder", + "SonicDashExtreme": "Sonic Dash Extreme", + "SpaceInvaders": "Space Invaders", + "SpicaAdventure": "Spica Adventure", + "SR3": "SEGA Rally 3", + "SRC": "SEGA Racing Classic", + "SRG": "Storm Racer G", + "SSASR": "Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing", + "StarTrekVoyager": "Star Trek Voyager", + "StarWars": "STAR WARS: Battle Pod", + "StarwingParadox": "StarWing Paradox", + "StraniaTheStellaMachina": "Strania -The Stella Machina", + "StreetFighterIII3rdStrike": "Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future", + "StreetFighterIV": "Street Fighter IV", + "StreetFighterVTypeArcade": "Street Fighter V: Type Arcade", + "StreetFighterZero3": "Street Fighter Zero 3", + "SuggoiArcanaHeart2Nesica": "Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2", + "SuperStreetFighterIVArcadeEdition": "Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition", + "SuperStreetFighterIVArcadeEditionEXP": "Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition (Export)", + "SuperStreetFighterIVArcadeEditionVer2012": ">Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Ver. 2012", + "SWDC": "Sega World Drivers Championship", + "Taiko": "Taiko no Tatsujin Nijiiro Ver", + "TaisenHotGimmick5": "Taisen Hot Gimmick 5: Mirai Eigou", + "TaisenMixParty": "Taisen Mix Party", + "TC5": "Time Crisis 5", + "Tekken7": "Tekken 7", + "Tekken7FR": "Tekken 7: Fated Retribution", + "Tekken7R2": "Tekken 7: Fated Retribution - Round 2", + "TetrisTheGrandMaster3TerrorInstinct": "Tetris: The Grand Master 3 - Terror-Instinct", + "Theatrhythm": "Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: All-Star Carnival", + "TokyoCop": "Tokyo Cop", + "Transformers": "Transformers: Human Alliance", + "TroubleWitches": "Trouble Witches AC", + "TroubleWitchesNesica": "Trouble Witches AC", + "UDX": "Under Defeat HD+", + "UltraStreetFighterIV": "Ultra Street Fighter IV", + "Umifresh": "Umihara Kawase Fresh! For AC", + "UnderNightAPM3": "UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late", + "UnderNightInBirth": "Under Night In-Birth", + "UnderNightInBirthExeLatest": "Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]", + "VampireSavior": "Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire", + "VF5B": "Virtua Fighter 5 (Version B)", + "VF5C": "Virtua Fighter 5 (Version C)", + "VF5Esports": "Virtua Fighter esports", + "VF5FSapm3": "Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown", + "VirtuaRLimit": "Valve Limit R", + "VT3": "Virtua Tennis 3", + "VT4": "Virtua Tennis 4", + "WackyRaces": "Wacky Races", + "WartranTroopers": "Wartran Troopers", + "WMMT3": "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3", + "WMMT5": "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5", + "WMMT5DX": "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5DX", + "WMMT5DXPlus": "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5DX+", + "WMMT6": "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6", + "WMMT6R": "Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 6R", + "WonderlandWars": "Wonderland Wars", + "YugiohDT6U": "Yugioh 5DS Duel Terminal 6" + }, "WIIU": { "00000002": "System menu", "00000009": "IOS 9",