This document outlines the privacy policy and agreement that you accept when adding Jeanne (Bot ID 831993597166747679) to a server or as a member of such a server. This document does not supersede the following:
The main data is stored in an SQLite Database. Errors and Usage of Commands are logged into 2 seperate CSV files. The data is backed up in case there is a need for changes to prevent data loss and damage. It can only be accessed by the bot's developer, Stacer Varien. In the event of unintentional data loss or alteration, the developer will try to compensate affected users.
User IDs, server IDs, and channel IDs are the main data stored and kept privately in the database. However, they are not always 100% secure. The data is not sold or given to unauthorized 3rd parties unless required by law or the Terms of Service. The CSV files are cleared every update.
The user's or server's data is not registered in the database if:
- The user has not sent a message in the server or is sending messages in ignored channels and direct messages between them and the bot, or in a channel where the bot cannot view.
- A certain command required to add/enter data in the database has not been used at least once.
- The user has been banned from using the bot.
Data can be accessed by everyone but is limited except the bot developer, who has full access to all kinds of data. Level and rank data can be accessed freely, but data such as inventory can only be accessed by the main user.
Users are free to request the removal of data by joining the support server or by emailing to contact the bot developer with valid reasons.
If you have any questions concerning this policy, please feel free to join the server and ask or email