This document explains the build system for Smart-RSS.
The build system has been simplified from a Grunt-based system to a plain Node.js script. The script provides the same functionality as the previous Grunt-based system but with a simpler implementation.
- Node.js (v12 or higher recommended)
- npm
npm install
You can use the build system in two ways:
# Copy files from src to dist and strip comments
npm run prepare
# Prepare and create zip package
npm run package
# Bump version, commit, prepare, and create zip package (patch version)
npm run release
# Bump minor version, commit, prepare, and create zip package
npm run release:minor
# Bump major version, commit, prepare, and create zip package
npm run release:major
# Watch for changes in src directory
npm run watch
# Bump version number (patch by default)
npm run bump-version
# Copy files from src to dist and strip comments
node build.js prepare
# Prepare and create zip package
node build.js package
# Bump version, commit, prepare, and create zip package
node build.js release [patch|minor|major]
# Watch for changes in src directory
node build.js watch
# Bump version number
node build.js bump-version [patch|minor|major]
- prepare: Copies files from src to dist and strips comments from JS files
- package: Prepares files and creates a zip package
- release: Bumps version, commits changes, prepares files, and creates a zip package
- watch: Watches for changes in the src directory and automatically runs prepare
- bump-version: Bumps the version number in manifest.json
The new build system provides the same functionality as the previous Grunt-based system. If you were using Grunt tasks, here's how they map to the new system:
Grunt Task | New Command |
grunt prepare |
npm run prepare or node build.js prepare |
grunt package |
npm run package or node build.js package |
grunt release |
npm run release or node build.js release |
grunt release:minor |
npm run release:minor or node build.js release minor |
grunt release:major |
npm run release:major or node build.js release major |
grunt watch |
npm run watch or node build.js watch |
grunt bump-version |
npm run bump-version or node build.js bump-version |
The new build system:
- Reduces dependencies (no Grunt and related plugins)
- Simplifies the build process
- Makes it easier to understand and modify
- Provides the same functionality in a more straightforward way