Cyborg Room TryHackMe
export IP=
Doing some basic nmap enumeration
$ nmap -sC -sV -v $IP -oN nmap/initial.nmap
22 ssh
80 http
Looks like there isn't much to explore port-wise. Time to move onto gobuster!
$ gobuster dir -t 64 -u $IP -w ~/wordlists/website_dir/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x .txt,.php,.html,.jpg,.png -o gobuster/dir_med.txt
Checking out /etc
we discover something named squid and a username and hash for it.
Using hashcat to crack the hash
$ hashcat -t 64 -m 1600 '$apr1$BpZ.Q.1m$F0qqPwHSOG50URuOVQTTn.' ~/wordlists/passwords/rockyou.txt
Reveals the password to be squidward
. This, however, does not enable us to login to ssh but the squid proxy
Going to the admin page also reveals more information. There is a note from Alex who basically indicates that he has no idea what he is doing with squid.
There is also a archive
tab that when downloading it, reveals it to be a bord backup that we can unextract.
$ borg list final_archive
Which requires a passphrase, the one we had gotten earlier! This reveals that the backup is named music_archive
and we can now extract it
$ borg extract final_archive/::music_archive
We now have a new folder named home
with a user, alex
's home directory. Within his home directory he has two files...
These notes reveal his bad memory at remembering passwords, and his password S3cretP@s3
Logging onto the machine, we can immediately grab the user flag.
And checking his sudo permissions...
Should be a walk in the cake until you realise you can't edit that file :/
But since we are the owner of the file, we can simply chmod
it to 7XX
Add in a
/bin/bash -ip
to the file and run as via sudo
and viola!
We are complete!