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Version: 1.3.6 AppVersion: 2.1.2

A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing.

By default the chart will install toxiproxy with blank configuration. You can add toxics to the running configuration using the API.

For large configurations it is easier to store your toxics in a JSON file, in a ConfigMap and pass this to the chart to be used by toxiproxy:

kubectl create configmap my-toxiproxy-config --from-file path/to/your/toxiproxy.json

And then install the chart passing the name of the ConfigMap as a value:

helm install toxiproxy deliveryhero/toxiproxy --set toxiproxyConfig=my-toxiproxy-config

Homepage: /~

How to install this chart

Add Delivery Hero public chart repo:

helm repo add deliveryhero

A simple install with default values:

helm install deliveryhero/toxiproxy

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install my-release deliveryhero/toxiproxy

To install with some set values:

helm install my-release deliveryhero/toxiproxy --set values_key1=value1 --set values_key2=value2

To install with custom values file:

helm install my-release deliveryhero/toxiproxy -f values.yaml

Source Code


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
args string nil string "example"
deploymentAnnotations object {}
environment list []
extraLabels object {}
frontend.enabled bool false string "chart-example-ui.local"
frontend.repository string "buckle/toxiproxy-frontend"
frontend.resources object {}
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "shopify/toxiproxy"
image.tag string "2.1.4"
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool true
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0] string "/"
ingress.tls list []
init.image.repository string "busybox" the docker repository and image to be used for the init container.
init.image.tag string "latest" the docker image tag for the init container image
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
pdb.enabled bool false Whether to create a PodDisruptionBudget
podAnnotations object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
replicaCount int 1
resources object {}
securityContext object {}
service.configJsonPath string "/home/toxiproxy/proxies/config.json"
service.listeningAddress string ""
service.listeningPort int 8474
service.port int 80
service.proxies.ports string nil
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.create bool true string nil
tolerations list []
toxiproxyConfig string ""


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