This helmchart provides a Prometheus metrics endpoint that exposes AWS usage and limits as reported by the AWS Trusted Advisor API.
Homepage: /~
Add Delivery Hero public chart repo:
helm repo add deliveryhero
A simple install with default values:
helm install deliveryhero/prometheus-aws-limits-exporter
To install the chart with the release name my-release
helm install my-release deliveryhero/prometheus-aws-limits-exporter
To install with some set values:
helm install my-release deliveryhero/prometheus-aws-limits-exporter --set values_key1=value1 --set values_key2=value2
To install with custom values file:
helm install my-release deliveryhero/prometheus-aws-limits-exporter -f values.yaml
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} |
autoscaling.enabled | bool | false |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | 100 |
autoscaling.minReplicas | int | 1 |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | 80 |
extraLabels | object | {} |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
image.repository | string | "danielfm/aws-limits-exporter" |
image.tag | string | "" |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
livenessProbe.Enabled | bool | true |
livenessProbe.path | string | "/-/healthy" |
livenessProbe.port | int | 8080 |
nameOverride | string | "" |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
readinessProbe.Enabled | bool | true |
readinessProbe.path | string | "/-/healthy" |
readinessProbe.port | int | 8080 |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
resources | object | {} |
securityContext | object | {} |
service.port | int | 80 |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
| | string | "" |
serviceMonitor.create | bool | false |
tolerations | list | [] |
Name | Url | |
javad-hajiani | |