With this tool credentials can be managed, print jobs can be activated, monitored and deleted.
The lxpservice tool has four sub commands:
- credentials (Create and maintain credentials)
- status (check the status of the placed print jobs)
- send (Send PDF files to print service)
- delete (Delete job(s))
All commands are equipped with a help function
$ lxpservice --help
Usage: lxpservice [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Command line tool to manage LetterXpress print jobs.
With this tool credentials can be managed, print jobs can be activated,
monitored and deleted.
See https://www.letterxpress.de
--version Show the version and exit.
-v, --verbose Be communicative.
--help Show this message and exit.
credentials Create and maintain credentials.
delete Delete job(s).
send Send PDF files to print service.
status Check the status of the placed print jobs.
$ lxpservice credentials --help
Usage: lxpservice credentials [OPTIONS] [USER] [URL] [APIKEY]
Create and maintain credentials.
The login data consists of user, url and api key. If all three parameters
are specified, lxpapi stores them securely and uses them in the future.
If only user and url are specified, lxpapi loads the api key from the
password repository of the operating system. If only user is specified,
lxapi changes the user, keeps the url and loads the api key from the
password repository.
-d, --delete Deletes password (requires user and url).
--help Show this message and exit.
First, the credentials are passed to lxpservice. Lxpservice stores the user name and the url in the file ".lxpservice.ini" in the home directory of the current user. The necessary Api Key is stored safely in the password manager of the operating system.
$ lxpservice credentials <User_1> <Url> <Api_Key_1>
The login data no longer needs to be entered. Lxpservice can handle credentials for multiple users. All credentials are entered one after the other. You can now easily switch between users if the url remains the same by calling lxpservice with the username.
$ lxpservice credentials <User_2> <Url> <Api_Key_2>
$ lxpservice credentials <User_1>
$ lxpservice credentials <User_2>
$ lxpservice send --help
Usage: lxpservice send [OPTIONS] FILE_OR_DIRECTORY
Send PDF files to print service.
Either individual files or the PDF files of a directory can be
transferred. Different options can be selected.
-c, --color Send colored Letters.
-i, --international Send letters to international destinations.
-d, --duplex Send double sided printed letters.
--help Show this message and exit.
PDF files are sent by specifying the path to the file. By adding optional arguments, you can influence the way the document is delivered. If you specify a path to a directory, lxpservice loads all PDF documents in that directory to the server. See also the help pages.
$ lxpservice send -c one-page.pdf
User <User>
Url https://sandbox.letterxpress.de/v1/
Sending file(s) to print server...
$ lxpservice send -d nine-pages.pdf
User <User>
Url https://sandbox.letterxpress.de/v1/
Sending file(s) to print server...
$ lxpservice status --help
Usage: lxpservice status [OPTIONS]
Check the status of the placed print jobs.
A distinction is made between jobs covered by the credit balance and jobs
not covered.
--help Show this message and exit.
With the sub command status you can easily check which files have been uploaded to the server.
lxpservice status
User <User>
Url https://sandbox.letterxpress.de/v1/
These letters will be sent soon:
Date Id Pgs Col Cost Filename
2019-01-27 21:03:47 3424 9 1 1.63 nine-pages.pdf
2019-01-27 21:03:33 3423 1 4 0.87 one-page.pdf
2019-01-27 20:11:42 3422 1 1 0.74 one-page.pdf
$ lxpservice delete --help
Usage: lxpservice delete [OPTIONS]
Delete job(s).
Delete a job identified by the id or delete all jobs of the print service.
-i, --id INTEGER Delete a single order.
-a, --all Delete all jobs.
--help Show this message and exit.
Print jobs can be deleted with the delete command. A distinction is made between deleting a file (-i id) and all files (-a).
$ lxpservice delete -i 3424
User <User>
Url https://sandbox.letterxpress.de/v1/
Deleting order(s):
$ lxpservice delete -a
User <User>
Url https://sandbox.letterxpress.de/v1/
Deleting order(s):