This file defines the "trigger objects" in the Trigger Editor environment in the World Editor.
Size | Description |
char[4] |
file ID (WTG!) |
int |
wtg file format version = 7 |
int |
number "NCD" of triggers categories |
category[NCD] |
"NCD" times a trigger category structure |
int |
unknown |
int |
number "NVARS" of variables |
variable[NVARS] |
"NVARS" times a variable structure |
int |
number "NTRG" of triggers |
trigger[NTRG] |
NTRG times a trigger structure |
Size | Description |
int |
category index/ID |
String |
category name |
bool |
Is a comment |
Size | Description |
string |
variable name |
string |
variable type |
int |
unknown |
bool |
is an array |
int |
array size |
bool |
is initialized |
string |
initial value |
Size | Description |
string |
name |
string |
description |
bool |
is comment |
bool |
is enabled |
bool |
use custom trigger text defined in war3map.wct |
bool |
is initially off |
bool |
run on map initialization |
int |
trigger category id |
int |
number "NECA" of ECA function |
NECA times an ECA function |
Size | Description |
int |
type: 0=event, 1=condition, 2=action |
int |
Only exists if this is a child-ECA. Group for if/then/else (0 = condition, 1 = then-action, 2 = else-action). |
string |
function name "NAME" |
bool |
is enabled |
parameters[NPARAM] |
NPARAM times the parameter structure. NPARAM depends on "NAME" and is hardcoded. |
int |
number "NCHILD" of child-ECA functions |
NCHILD times the ECA function structure |
Size | Description |
int |
Parameter type. 0=preset, 1=variable, 2=function, 3=string, -1=invalid |
string |
parameter value |
bool |
has subparameters |
If has sub parameters:
Size | Description |
int |
type: 3 |
string |
Parameter name "NAME". The same as parameter value |
int |
begin parameters: 1 |
parameters[NPARAM] |
NPARAM times the parameters structure. NPARAM depends on "NAME". |
Always followed by:
Size | Description |
bool |
is array |
parameter |
array index parameter |
To find the number of parameters an ECA uses, look in TriggerData.txt under the sections
- [TriggerEvents],
- [TriggerConditions],
- [TriggerActions],
- [TriggerCalls].
Count the number of "argument types", but exclude all types that are equal to "0", "1", "nothing", or "" (empty).
For example, the line
in TriggerData.txt tells us that the ECA with name "OperatorCompareBoolean" has three parameters (boolean, EqualNotEqualOperator, and boolean).
The line
tells us that the ECA function with name "BlzIsTargetIndicatorEnabled" doesn't have any parameters: this ECA is defined under [TriggerCalls], where the argument types start after the third value ("boolean").