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This addon communicates with MCZ Maestro pellet stove API. It is provided as is with no implied warranty or liability. Please use with caution.

About the addon

Maestro technology uses a Websocket to communicate with the pellet stove. It is used by the MCZ Maestro App and also by external thermostats. After installing the addon, the pellet state and commands should be available through MQTT. This addon embeds the code from /~ (local connection) and /~ (cloud connection) in a Home Assistant container.


You can install this addon after adding my repository url (/~ in your HA instance (you can follow the official guide. If you want to connect locally to the stove, make sure it is reachable from the device on which HA is running. To do this, you'll typically need to use a wifi dongle on your HA device to connect to the stove AP or setup a second (client) wifi interface on your router (can be done easily if you use OpenWRT for instance).


Available options enable user to set up Chibald' maestrogateway config You can choose between Chibald's local connection script and Pipolaq's cloud connection script with the first option : "USE_MCZ_CLOUD".


Using local script

Examples of code you can use in you configuration.yaml assuming you have the addon parameters set as follows :

"MQTT_TOPIC_SUB": "Maestro/Command/"
"MQTT_TOPIC_PUB": "Maestro/"

MQTT Sensor to display stove state:

- platform: mqtt
    name: PoelePellets
    state_topic: Maestro/Stove_State
    value_template: >-
      {% set mapper = {
        '0' : 'Eteint',
        '1' : 'Controle du poele froid / chaud',
        '2' : 'Clean Froid',
        '3' : 'Load Froid',
        '4' : 'Start 1 Froid',
        '5' : 'Start 2 Froid',
        '6' : 'Clean Chaud',
        '7' : 'Load Chaud',
        '8' : 'Start 1 chaud',
        '9' : 'Start 2 chaud',
        '10' : 'Stabilisation',
        '11' : 'Puissance 1',
        '12' : 'Puissance 2',
        '13' : 'Puissance 3',
        '14' : 'Puissance 4',
        '15' : 'Puissance 5',
        '30' : 'Mode diagnostique',
        '31' : 'Marche',
        '40' : 'Extinction',
        '41' : 'Refroidissement en cours',
        '42' : 'Nettoyage basse p.',
        '43' : 'Nettoyage haute p.',
        '44' : 'Débloquage vis sans fin',
        '45' : 'AUTO ECO',
        '46' : 'Standby',
        '48' : 'Diagnostique',
        '49' : 'CHARG. VIS SANS FIN',
        '50' : 'Erreur A01 - Allumage raté',
        '51' : 'Erreur A02 - Pas de flamme',
        '52' : 'Erreur A03 - Surchauffe du réservoir',
        '53' : 'Erreur A04 - Température des fumées trop haute',
        '54' : 'Erreur A05 - Obstruction conduit - Vent',
        '55' : 'Erreur A06 - Mauvais tirage',
        '56' : 'Erreur A09 - Défaillance sonde de fumées',
        '57' : 'Erreur A11 - Défaillance motoréducteur',
        '58' : 'Erreur A13 - Température carte mère trop haute',
        '59' : 'Erreur A14 - Défaut Active',
        '60' : 'Erreur A18 - Température d eau trop haute',
        '61' : 'Erreur A19 - Défaut sonde température eau',
        '62' : 'Erreur A20 - Défaut sonde auxiliaire',
        '63' : 'Erreur A21 - Alarme pressostat',
        '64' : 'Erreur A22 - Défaut sonde ambiante',
        '65' : 'Erreur A23 - Défaut fermeture brasero',
        '66' : 'Erreur A12 - Panne controleur motoréducteur',
        '67' : 'Erreur A17 - Bourrage vis sans fin',
        '69' : 'Attente Alarmes securité' } %}
      {% set state = (value | string) %}
      {{ mapper[state] if state in mapper else 'Inconnu' }}

MQTT Switch (power on/off)

- platform: mqtt
  name: PoelePellets
  state_topic: "Maestro/Stove_State"
  value_template: >
    {% if value | int > 0 %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "Maestro/Command/Power"
  payload_on: 1
  payload_off: 0

Using cloud script

Examples of code you can use in you configuration.yaml assuming you have the addon parameters set as follows :

"MQTT_TOPIC_SUB": "Maestro/Command"
"MQTT_TOPIC_PUB": "Maestro/State"

MQTT Sensor with all attributes

- platform: mqtt
  name: Maestro
  state_topic: "Maestro/State"
  value_template: "{{ value_json['Etat du poele'] }}"
  json_attributes_topic: "Maestro/State"

All possible commands are descibed in the file. Here is an example below for turning On/Off the stove with a MQTT Switch (command id: 34, type 'onoff40' meaning on = '1', off = '40'):

- platform: mqtt
  name: Maestro
  state_topic: "Maestro/State"
  value_template: >
    {% if value_json['Etat du poele'] == 'Eteint' %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
  state_on: "on"
  state_off: "off"
  command_topic: "Maestro/Command"
  payload_on: "34,1"
  payload_off: "34,40"


There are many areas of improvements, like support of MQTT discovery, better docs and type checking for options, merging both python scripts into one and use the same mqtt format... My time and expertise are limited but hopefully this is already helpful to some people and can be further improved by others :).


All credits go to Anthony-55 who created the original Python script but also to Chibald and Pipolaq who adapted it in 2 different versions that I'm embedding in this Home Assistant addon. You can visit their Github repositories there:

The script was initially created for "Jeedom", a home automation solution similar to HA. Discussions about this script can be found there (French):