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Formal Requirements of Pull Requests

RealCLanger edited this page Oct 22, 2018 · 11 revisions

SapMachine Pull Requests must fulfil formal requirements before they can be merged. These formal requirements are checked by the SapMachine Bot.

SapMachine Only Changes

For changes that are SapMachine only, an issue must be created first. Describe the bug that shall be fixed or the feature that shall be implemented.

The pull request must reference this issue in the description. The issue is referenced with a fixes #Issue. This reference must be the last line of the description.


This is the description of the pull request.
The description can be one ore multiple lines of text.

fixes #1234

Only one Git commit is allowed per Pull Request. When you have more than one commit in your feature branch, that shall be merged, squash the commits. See the Git Help on how to do that.

The Git commit associated with the pull request must have the following format.

SapMachine #Issue: Issue Title
More description goes into the next lines.

The commit must reference the issue, that was created for this pull request. The first line of the commit must also contain the issue title.


SapMachine #1234: Fix the build an ship it

This is a more detailed description
of the fix I have done.