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149 lines (108 loc) · 5.7 KB


Angular directives that allow you to build sortable lists with the native HTML5 drag & drop API. The directives can also be nested to bring drag & drop to your WYSIWYG editor, your tree, or whatever fancy structure you are building.

This library was generated with Angular CLI version 18.0.0.

npm install @ryware/ngx-drag-and-drop-lists

Angular Versions

Version Second Header
Angular 18+ 3.1.0
Angular 17 3.0.2
Angular 16 <= 2.1.1

Credits to the original creator

This library is inspired by the /~ library which was written in AngularJS.

Drag Element Inputs

  • dndDraggable Required attribute. Signifies that this element is part of the dndDraggable. Can receive options on how to behave of the following type:
    interface DndDraggableConfig {
        draggable: boolean;
        effectAllowed: 'move' | 'copy' | 'link';
  • dndObject Required attribute. Represents the object that is actually dragged, the data.

  • dndType Required attribute. Tells what is the type of the data

  • dndDragDisabled Tells whether the drag ability is disabled or not

Drag Element Outputs

  • dndDragStart An event that fires when a drag starts

  • dndDragEnd An event that fires when a drag ends

  • dndCopied An event that fires when a copy effect happens

  • dndMoved An event that fires when a move effect happens

  • dndLinked An event that fires when a link effect happens

  • dndCanceled An event that fires when a drag cancels

  • dndSelected An event that fires when an element is clicked and not dragged

CSS classes

  • dndDragging This class will be added to the element while the element is being dragged. It will affect both the element you see while dragging and the source element that stays at it's position. Do not try to hide the source element with this class, because that will abort the drag operation.
  • dndDraggingSource This class will be added to the element after the drag operation was started, meaning it only affects the original element that is still at it's source position, and not the "element" that the user is dragging with his mouse pointer

Drag List Inputs

  • dndList Required attribute. Signifies that this list is part of the dndList. Can receive options on how to behave of the following type:
    interface DndListSettings {
        allowedTypes: string[];
        effectAllowed: 'move' | 'copy' | 'link';
        disabled: boolean;
        externalSources: boolean;
        horizontal: boolean;
  • dndModel Required attribute. The array that holds the objects

  • dndPlaceholder An element that should be displayed as a placeholder before a drag.

Drag Element Outputs

  • dndDragOver An event that fires when an element is dragged over a list

  • dndDrop An event that fires when an element is dropped upon a list

  • dndInserted An event that happens after a drop if the object was actually inserted

CSS classes

  • dndDragover This class will be added to the list while an element is being dragged over the list.

dndNoDrag attribute

Use the dndNoDrag attribute inside of dndDraggable elements to prevent them from starting drag operations. This is especially useful if you want to use input elements inside of dndDraggable elements or create specific handle elements.

dndHandle attribute

Use the dndHandle directive within a dndNoDrag element in order to allow dragging of that element after all. Therefore, by combining dndNoDrag and dndHandle you can allow dndDraggable elements to only be dragged via specific handle elements.

Example 1

      <div *ngFor="let list of models.lists;let i = index">
        <div class="panel panel-info">
          <div class="panel-heading">
            <h3 class="panel-title">List {{i}}</h3>
          <div class="panel-body">
            <ul [dndList]
              <li *ngFor="let item of list;let i = index"
                (dndMoved)="removeMovedItem(i, list)"
                [class.selected]="models.selected === item">

Example 2

      <div *ngFor="let list of models.lists;let i = index">
        <div class="panel panel-info">
          <div class="panel-heading">
            <h3 class="panel-title">List {{i}}</h3>
          <div class="panel-body">
            <ul [dndList]="{
                disabled: false,
                effectAllowed: 'move',
                allowedTypes: ['item']}"
              <li *ngFor="let item of list;let i = index"
                [dndDraggable]="{draggable:true, effectAllowed:'move'}"
                (dndMoved)="removeMovedItem(i, list)"
                [class.selected]="models.selected === item">