- remove build errors
- add numeric_limits
- change return variable from void* to int in funtion basic_task::on_task
- reorder and add wifi error codes.
- add basic_wifi class and a class for create a ESP32 WiFi AP (basic_wifi_ap).
- add shell sort and manked t as std
- add github pull_request_template, security.md and issue templates: bug report and future request.
- ade the function notify_one and notify_all to convar.
- !! Rename mn_basic_timespan to mn_timespan !!
- !! move wifi and netif stack from mn::net to mn::device. BT, WIFI and TelNet are a device
- add mn::device::system a simple device interface to get useful SoC informations
- add device base classes
- update the examples
- update mn::container and mn_buffer now support the new allocator system
- add allocator_typetraits
- add smart_pointer_traits
- add container/array
- add default_deleter and add this support to list
- add mn::function a lightwight version of std::function
- add a simple unique_ptr pointer
- add optional
- add helper function to mn_functional
- sqrt
- factorial
- fibonacci
- add simple hash support rename array -> fixed_array add atomic utils: - basic_atomic_singleton : Singleton with double-checked locking pattern with atomic and mutex lock - atomic_queue: A basic lockfree atomic queue add a basic map : basic_light_map add endianess function - see include/mn_endianness.hpp add basic_void_type for void_t type add value_ptr and update clone_ptr to standard of c++11 and add mn::initializer_list
- add atomic_counter class
- task: a atomic_counter create a new task id
- add atomic counter
- add multicast socketfor ipv4 and ipv6
- add class timespan and timestamp
- task: The function get_time_since_start() changed the return type from uint32_t to timespan_t
- mn_micros.hpp: marked the functions ticks_to_ms, ms_to_ticks, seconds_to_ticks, time_to_ms and time_to_ticks as DEPRECATED remove in version 2.30
- mn_sleep remove sleep, nsleep and usleep and added sleep version with timespan as argument :
- void delay(const timespan_t& ts); with macros MN_DELAY_SEC and MN_DELAY_MICROS
- add simple atomic_flags class
- remove mempool
- start add new memory allocator stack
- add socket classes for udp, tcp and raw - IPv6 and IPv4
- add new config defines for IPv6
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_NET_IPADDRESS6_ENABLE: When enable then compile with IPv6 support and enable tcp, udp, raw IPv6 socket versions
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_NET_IPADDRESS6_USE_SCOPEID: When enable then save the basic_ip6_address the scopeid
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_NET_IPADDRESS6_SCOPEID_VAL: The basic scoped val default 0
add sockets support -> see mn_socket.hpp
remove container -(mn_container.hpp) and netzwerk header file (mn_socket.hpp) from mn_minithread.hpp header file, when use then include it in your project manual, for socket support add after miniThread.hpp the socket heaher file mn_socket.hpp and for container support after miniThread.hpp the container header file mn_container.hpp
update version style and remove the version singleton, see empty example for use. See mn_auto_version.hpp for details
Task: remove the eventgroup and remove child task handling
Convar: remove the function signal all
- add allocator helpor macros: MNALLOC_OBJECT, MNALLOC_OBJECT_D ... @see MNALLOC_OBJECT
- update mempool - added MNALLOC_OBJECT systems
- add mn::list -- replace std::list
- mn_allocator_{multiheap, caps, object, system, buffer, stack} to dirctory allocator
- Add a any_ptr - basic_any_ptr - can only hold const pointer
- add uuid_t / guid_t - hash/mn_uuid.hpp
- remove type usings from mn_container.hpp to the array, list, fixed_array, ... headers. mn_container include all container types and all special container usings switch to mn_container_esp32.hpp
- add a red black tree to the cointainer namespace - find under container/mn_rb_tree.hpp
- add any_ptr - a pointer to hold a const any-variant type
- add at mn::cointainer a Template queue with iterator-support
- add new algorythmen and mn::functinal support
- make atomic ready
- add pointer suppert - weak, shared, clone_ptr, and other
- add new ringbuffer and updated examples
- add Makefile support only for use the source from git, not use in platformio library regestrie
- add staked, buffered allocator
- add allocator, mempool and stack to mn::memory namespace
- add allocator with mempool backend
- start add aSTL template classes to this library, aSTL a other lightwidgt STL
In the future are replace all vector, list, map etc. with aSTL version
- add auto_ptr, weak_ptr, skoped_ptr, clone_ptr, save_ptr, shared_ptr to library
- added namespaces:
- slock -> mn::system
- mempool, allocator and deleter -> mn::memory
- foregin_task, convar system, msg task -> mn::ext
- trace -> mn::trace
- all other -> mn
- rename:
- func: mn_sleep, mn_usleep and mn_nsleep rename to sleep, nsleep and usleeep
- func: mn_panic to panic
- class: libmnversion to version
- rename tasklet function create to schedule - (DE: Mein fehler - misverständnis)
- add schudaler util class
- add random handler, for future use
- add new memory pool handler simple version and a complexere version for debugging
- add a stack template class: memory/mn_stack.hpp
- add a wrapper for handling tickhooks
- EXAMPLES in progress
- Add new configs items
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_MEMPOOL_USETIMED Use for mempool the timed version and xTicksToWait (see config)
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_TICKHOOK_MAXENTRYS The max entrys are hold the tickhook queue
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_STACK_TYPE The basic type for stack_t ( basic_stack<MN_THREAD_CONFIG_STACK_TYPE>; )
- update error codes
- merge config_preview with config and error_preview with error
- add shared, timed and the ringbuffer to main version
- remove old system locks and add new lock system - old include file
- add new in code example and update the doxygen bootstrap output style
- add basic_tickhook system
- add mempool support
- for the future version add prototypes: (Not for produtions use!!)
- free_list_memory pool = basic_free_list_mempool
- Shared Object = basic_shared_object
- Ringbuffer = basic_circular_buffer
- Add timed lock type = basic_timed_lock
- Add class to extends the basic_convar_task with a message queue support - basic_message_task
- Add new config item, to handle the maximal messages in the message queue (MN_THREAD_CONFIG_MSGTASK_MAX_MESSAGES)
- For message queue support must be conditional variable support marked as enable
- Add new defines:
- in mn_foreign_task.hpp:
- FT_IDLE_TASK (foreign_task::get_idle_task())
- FT_IDLE_TASK_ON(CPUID foreign_task::get_idle_task(CPUID)
- in mn_config.hpp:
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_MINIMAL_STACK_SIZE set the default minimal stack size for a task
- in mn_foreign_task.hpp:
- add in basic_task get_state() to get the current state and static function get_tasks() to get the number of tasks
- remove create and destroy from all mutex and semaphore objects and add exceptins handling
- rename create and on_create to start and on_start
- add to the basic_task: join(), wait() and get_self() functions - basic_task remove abstract
- remove the m_contextMutext2 LockObject
- add a eventgroup wrapper
- rename basic_thread to basic_task and the other threads to task - with error codes and rename on_thread to on_task
- add in confg:
- add prority enum to task
- rename mn_base.hpp to miniThread.hpp
- remove bugs and errors
- Strip semaphore classes
- add task_utils class for notify
- add MN_THREAD_CONFIG_PREVIEW_FUTURE config item for next major version future (not for product use), not activate
- all config items can you now override in the sdkconfig file
- update config with new items, please cheack
- add single and multi threaded worcking queues (basic_work_queue_single & basic_work_queue_multi) (TODO Optional add a Workqueues ) and add configand error defines, with doku
- remove bugs and errors
- This is the preview version of 2.0.0
- add Work queue support (basic_work_queue) basic_work_queue pull work_queue_item off of a FIFO queue and run them sequentially.
- add New Config Options to mn_conig.hpp
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_MAX_WORK_ITEMS: How many work items to queue in the work queue engine default is 8
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_STACK_SIZE: Default Stak size for the work queue thread. defaultis (configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE + 2)
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_WORK_QUEUE_PRIORITY Default Priority for the work queue thread. default is (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1)
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CORE Default Core to run a new Task (default MN_THREAD_CONFIG_CORE_NO)
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WORKQUEUE_CORE On whith core run all Workques an default cas be override in the create function (default MN_THREAD_CONFIG_CORE2_TWO)
- MN_THREAD_CONFIG_LOCK_TYPE This Property change now the Autolock type and the basic LockType_t (default MN_THREAD_CONFIG_BINARY_SEMAPHORE)
- rename libmn_panic to mn_panic
- add default informations to the config file
- rename libmn.hpp to mn_base.hpp and add missing headers
- rename mn_spinlock.hpp => mn_semaphore.hpp and mn_spinlock.cpp => mn_semaphore.cpp
- basic_mutex extends basic_semaphore
- add foreign_thread for mini Thread foregin thread and current Thread handling
- Documentation ready
- add Licence text to source files
- remove semaphore_t and spinlock_t
- add counting_semaphore_t (autocsemp_t) and binary_semaphore_t (autobinsemp_t) please update code semaphore_t = counting_semaphore_t, spinlock_t = binary_semaphore_t
- add eaxample
- add Documentation add (https://roseleblood.github.io/mnthread-docs/)
- rename Project from mnthread to Mini Thread
- move convar function from basic_thread to basic_convar_thread
- add basic_convar_thread when "MN_THREAD_CONFIG_CONDITION_VARIABLE_SUPPORT MN_THREAD_CONFIG_YES"is and update basic_condition_variable
- remove errors - (sorry, ... )
- add a deque class that implements a double ended queue. (deque_t = basic_deque)
- add queue wrapper (queue/mn_queue.hpp) queue_t
- add binary queue (queue/mn_binaryqueue.hpp) binaryqueue_t
- add Conditional Variable an disable in config file (mn_config.hpp)
- add new Cosfigurations items on mn_config.hpp
- add recursive matux and autolack tps for interrupt, critical_lock and schedular
- add Tasklets
- rename the header files from mn-(xxx).h to mn_(xxx).hpp
- Platformio regestration
- update examples - stripped
- switch from c3pb.gitlab to my public github account
- rename:
- sleep -> mn_sleep
- usleep -> mn_usleep
- nsleep -> mn_nsleep
- start thread mutext unlock funktion - see examples
- update examples
- update version
- Add libmn.h
- Add Config : mn-config.h
- rename header
- Add examples
- add autolock_t to mn-Thread
- add mn-autolock.h
- add spinlock
- add logical mutext handle to basic_thread
- rename function "delay" to "sleep" in basic_thread
- add function "nsleep" and "usleep" to basic_thread
- add "child_thread" and "parent_thread" to basic_thread
- add function "get_root();" "get_child();" "add_child_thread(basic_thread+ thread);"
- add nsleep, sleep, usleep, micros, milis
- Public release