This is my second version of a sort of dashboard for our house. This runs on a raspberry pi 3 inside an Official Raspberry Pi 7" touchscreen display.
- Using /~ and a simple cheap 433 mhz receiver and transmitter I extracted the codes sent by a remote for outlets, and send them upon certain requests.
- Connecting to a Raspberry Pi Zero W with MotionEye and a Camera Module it can stream a full screen live video from the camera. Currently in use as a baby monitor, although since it has no sound this is still incomplete.
- Receives weather from OpenWeatherMap and displays the weather on the home screen.
- Shows the nearest departures from the bus station nearest to us retrieved from the Ruter API.
- Can display pictures from a folder in a slideshow fashion.
- The default background is taken from the top all time post in the wallpapers subreddit by zlakphoto
Disclaimer: I am by no means a designer, this is just a personal project for fun. Stuff works and looks ok, but can certainly be improved upon.
To run:
- yarn build
- yarn start
- http://localhost:3000
To develop:
- yarn dev
- http://localhost:4000