- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning: Provides an overview of reinforcement learning (RL), explaining its principles and basic concepts.
- Key Components of RL: Explores the key components of RL, including agents, environments, states, actions, rewards, and policies.
- Markov Decision Processes (MDPs): Introduces MDPs as the mathematical framework for modeling RL problems, discussing states, actions, transition probabilities, and rewards.
- Exploration vs. Exploitation: Discusses the trade-off between exploration and exploitation in RL algorithms and their impact on learning.
- Introduction to Deep RL: Explores the extension of RL with deep learning techniques, highlighting the advantages and challenges of deep RL.
- Deep Q-Networks (DQN): Introduces DQN as a foundational deep RL algorithm, discussing its architecture, training process, and applications.
- Policy Gradient Methods: Discusses policy gradient methods as an alternative approach to value-based methods, focusing on algorithms like REINFORCE and PPO.
- Actor-Critic Methods: Explores actor-critic methods that combine aspects of both value-based and policy gradient approaches, including algorithms like A2C and A3C.
- Adapting RL to Autonomous Racing: Discusses the application of RL techniques in the context of autonomous racing, highlighting challenges and opportunities.
- Simulation Environment: Explores the simulation environment provided by AWS DeepRacer, including track design, sensor emulation, and physics simulation.
- Reward Function Design: Discusses the crucial role of reward functions in training RL agents for autonomous racing, emphasizing design principles and best practices.
- Hyperparameter Optimization: Introduces techniques for hyperparameter optimization in RL algorithms, including grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization.
By the conclusion of Part II, readers gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques of reinforcement learning, paving the way for deeper exploration into their application in autonomous racing with AWS DeepRacer.