diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e1c084a..3f1652a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
UserService: Contains the business logic for user management. It performs CRUD operations on the User entity and interacts with the RateLimiterService to apply rate limiting rules.
RateLimiterService: Utilizes Redis to track and enforce rate limiting rules. It ensures that the number of requests made by a user does not exceed the specified limit within a given time window.
UserRepository: Extends Spring Data JPA's JpaRepository, providing methods for performing database operations on user entities. This layer abstracts the data access operations, making it easier to manage user data.
- Redis Configuration: Redis is configured as a cache to store rate limiting data. This configuration ensures high performance and scalability in tracking and enforcing rate limits.
+ Redis Configuration: Redis is configured to support rate limiting functionality. The configuration includes setting up a RedisTemplate for efficient data access and operations. This template handles the interactions with Redis, such as incrementing request counts and setting expiration times for keys, ensuring accurate rate limiting.
Validation: The application uses Hibernate Validator for validating user input. This ensures that the data passed to the API endpoints is in the correct format and adheres to the defined constraints.
Exception Handling: Custom exception handling mechanisms are implemented to manage various error scenarios, such as user not found, email already exists, and rate limit exceeded.