AnkiWeb page | Latest Release | Discord Server
Author's Note as of July 2024: This deck, despite being extensive and useful in it's own right, has syllabus gaps here and there, given that the CBSE/JEE/NEET syllabus is a massive ocean. Also, this deck was created in 2021; and there won't be any new further updates or additions to this project, since the we, the original authors of this repo don't have the time to maintain it or merge pull requests anymore. Users are recommended to use their own discretion to fine-tune the topics they wish to study from this deck according to the latest syllabus. Volunteers who are willing to fork and continue this project independently are welcome. Decks and resources of a similar nature, unaffiliated with this project, may be used to fullfil the gaps in knowledge left by this deck. A few such supplementary decks are listed below:
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Updating to a new version of the deck
- Support Us
- Obsolete Sections
The largest, most comprehensive, community maintained CBSE/JEE/NEET flashcard deck for Anki on the internet, featuring
- 326 cards to teach you universally important stuff, like values of constants, IUPAC Nomenclature, standard substitutions from integration and differentiation, trigonometric identities, etc.
- 1129 cards from 11th grade NCERT, covering topics from Physics and Chemistry.
- 4947 cards from 12th grade NCERT, covering topics from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
- 2479 cards from 11th grade NCERT, covering topics from Biology; useful for NEET prep.
- 1764 cards from 12th grade NCERT, covering topics from Biology; useful for NEET prep.
- 291 cards covering JEE concepts; mostly Inorganic Chemistry.
First-time here? Welcome! 👋 Following all the steps given below will get you up and running.
- New to Anki? You need to first set up the program.
- Go over to the AnkiWeb website, scroll down, download the latest version for your operating system, and install it on your PC.
- In order to install and later upgrade Raagaception's 12STD CBSE Deck, you'll need to first install an Anki add-on called "CrowdAnki".
- Open Anki on your computer, go to the
menu and selectAdd-ons
. - In the dialog box, click on
Get Add-ons...
and paste in the following code :1788670778
- Click on
to install the add-on, and close the Anki program.
- Open Anki on your computer, go to the
- Open Anki, go to the
menu and selectCrowdAnki: Import git repository
. - In the dialog box, paste in the link to this repository :
. Wait for a little while as CrowdAnki imports the deck for you. Don't panic if Windows shows that Anki isn't responding, just give it time. - Don't change anything in the CrowdAnki Import Settings dialog box that opens; just press
to start the import. A dialog box should then confirm that the import was successful. - The deck must now be visible on your profile. Close Anki fully and reopen it before doing anything else.
- New to Anki? You need to first set up the program.
- Go over to the AnkiWeb website, scroll down, download the latest version for your operating system, and install it on your PC.
- Go to the latest release page, and expand the "Assets" section at the bottom.
- Download the file
, and double click when downloaded. It should open up and get imported to Anki automatically.
You don't need to study everything in the deck, just study what you WANT to; since the deck is painstakingly arranged topic-by-topic, and chapter-by-chapter. Here's how to go about studying by utilizing that to your advantage :
- Open the "Browse" window and scroll down the left pane.
- Under the
section, click onRaagaception's 12STD CBSE Deck
. This will now display a list of the thousands of cards available in the deck. - Select all cards in browser with
, then suspend ALL the cards in the deck - this will result in none of the cards showing up in your review queue. Note that all suspended cards are represented in the browser as yellowed-out cards. - Expand the
Raagaception's 12STD CBSE Deck
listing by using the arrow icon. Keep expanding the list to reveal more and more subtopics. - When you find the ones you want to unsuspend, select the listing, which will bring up the cards from that topic only. Press
to select all cards in the browser, andCtrl+J
to unsuspend them. - You can now close the browser and review the cards normally, until you wish to unlock newer topics. To do that, just repeat all the steps from step 4).
If you're a beginner to Anki, I recommend watching this YouTube video to fully understand how Anki functions, and what settings for the learning algorithm might be the best for you. It's pretty long, but trust me, it will help you understand how the Anki review settings actually work.
- After watching the above video, click the tiny ⚙️ icon to the right side of the deck name, and click
to view the current review settings. You'll notice that the deck comes pre-packaged with what I believe are optimal settings for studying the cards in this deck over a long period of time (for example, if you are six months away from your next major exam). If you're a beginner, consider this as a baseline preset for your convenience.Sadly, there are no one-size-fits-all settings, so as you learn, just clone the preset and tweak them to best suit your study style. But there are certain settings which are compulsory for everyone to stick by for this deck, which you shouldn't change at any cost :
- Maximum reviews/day =
- Insertion order =
- Leech Action =
Tag Only
- New card sort order =
- Review sort order =
Due date, then random
- Maximum reviews/day =
- Next, go to
Tools > Preferences ...
and navigate to theScheduling
tab. Change the two below settings as given :
... and you're done with your review settings!
- Keep in mind that updating the deck OVERWRITES all edits and structural changes you might have made to the deck on your end.
- To update, follow the same steps as installing the deck from repository
- You may be left with some empty subdecks; simply delete any empty decks which you see.
- Also, change your review settings preset back from our default settings to your personal settings preset, if you wish.
👉 To stay informed of new releases, make sure to watch this repository's releases, or join us on our Discord server to get pinged whenever new updates are release.
This project is made with ❤️ by the community, to help all Science higher secondary students worldwide to ace their exams. You can support this project by
- Starring the project on GitHub
- Joining our ever-expanding Discord server
- Leaving a review on the deck's AnkiWeb page
- By spreading the word around. Share this repository's link to anyone you know who might benefit from using it!
As of v1.3.0
, contributions to the deck are hereby closed. The instructions below are purely left for posterity; if someone forks this project and continues it, they may copy paste these steps for users to submit updates.
Since this deck uses CrowdAnki, anyone with a GitHub account can help in correcting errors on cards and adding new cards from topics which are not already covered in the deck. If you're inclined to sincerely do so, then read on.
- If you're completely new to GitHub, you need to sign up for a new account. For the purpose of this tutorial, I'll be using a dummy account by the name of
. - Next, download and install Github desktop.
- Open GitHub desktop, and go to
File > Options
and click onSign in
. HitContinue with Browser
on the next dialogue window. - This will open your browser. Choose
and clickOpen Link
. ClickAuthorise
on the subsequent browser dialogue. - Click
Clone a respository from the Internet
, and enter the URL of this repo, that is,/~
. Specify the directory where you wish to clone the repository.
- Now comes the slightly confusing part - exporting with CrowdAnki from Anki. Open Anki, and read carefully.
- If you've just edited some errors on the cards from the public deck, then directly proceed to step 3.
- If you wish to add new cards to this deck, then put your cards into individual decks categorized by subtopics (try to categorize them to the best of your ability, we'll manage the rest during review). Create a new deck with your account's name, put the subtopic decks under that. Now put the deck with your GitHub username under
9.GitHub Contributions Held for Review
.- For example, if your GitHub profile URL is
, and you want to contribute two decks, namelyInorganic Group-16 NCERT
andVectors JEE
, both meant for JEE aspirants, then this is what your structure more or less should look like :Please don't put your contributions under any other section, otherwise they'll get overwritten by updates.
- For example, if your GitHub profile URL is
- Click the tiny ⚙️ icon to the right of Raagaception's 12STD CBSE Deck, and click
. - Change the export format to
CrowdAnki JSON representation (*directory)
- Make sure all settings look exactly like the image below, then hit
- Export into any directory you wish, and remember the location.
- Go to the export location, change the name
. Then copy all the folder contents. - Open GitHub desktop, and click
Show in Explorer
- Paste the copied files there, and select
Replace the files in the destination
when prompted. - Now when you open GitHub desktop again, you'll see something like this :
- In the bottom right corner, click
Create a fork
, and clickFork this respository
on the subsequent dialogue box. - Select
To contribute to the parent project
and clickContinue
- In the bottom right corner, write a heading and description and feel free to describe your contribution in detail, which will help us in categorizing it. Then click
Commit to main
- Whenever you're ready to finally submit your contribution to us on GitHub, click
Push Origin
- Open GitHub, and go to your forked repository. In my case, it's named
. ClickContribute
and then clickOpen pull request
. - Click
Create Pull Request
- Make sure
Allow edits by maintainers
is ticked, thenCreate Pull Request
When you see the following screen, you've successfully submitted your contribution. Congratulations! Wait a few days for us to review and categorize it, and then your contribution will get included in the next update.
If you wish to review your cards on the browser version of AnkiWeb, the MathJax equations in any cards won't get rendered. But by adding the following code to the front and back of the "Basic - Raagaception" and "Cloze - Raagaception" card templates, AnkiWeb will render your MathJax for you :
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
MathJax.Hub.processSectionDelay = 0;
inlineMath: \[ \['$','$'\], \['\\\\(','\\\\)'\] \],
displayMath: \[ \['$$','$$'\], \['\\\\\[','\\\\\]'\] \],
MathJax.Ajax.config.path\["mhchem"\] =
TeX: {
extensions: \["\[mhchem\]/mhchem.js"\]
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
if (window.MathJax != null) {
var card = document.querySelector('.card');
MathJax.Hub.Queue(\['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, card\]);
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = '\_SVG-full';
This code was included in the initial versions of the deck but discontinued from v0.9.0 onwards to maximize compatibility, since on versions of Anki 2.1.40 or lower, this JavaScript causes a rendering error. Hence if you need the functionality, and you use Anki version 2.1.42+, you can manually add it yourself.