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Installation: macOS

Kun Ren edited this page May 3, 2022 · 11 revisions


Install vscode-R in VS Code by searching reditorsupport.r in extension marketplace.

If your R installation is from CRAN, then the default settings should work out of the box. Otherwise, you may have to change r.rterm.mac to the path to your R executable, which will be executed on command Create R Terminal.


languageserver is an implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R.

Run the following commands in R.

You may install the latest stable release from CRAN:


or install the development version with the newest features:


You can also install the rmarkdown package and Pandoc rendering library to see formatted R help pages upon hover. Previews of function documentation without these dependencies will show a plain page.

rmarkdown can be installed with:


Pandoc is automatically installed if you have RStudio on your machine. See the official installation guide here if you do not have RStudio.


radian is highly recommended as the R terminal for interactive use. It requires Python which should be available on macOS out of the box.

pip install -U radian

You may run which radian to see where your radian executable is located (typically, /usr/local/bin/radian).

Then the following VS Code settings should be updated to properly use radian as the default terminal.

  "r.bracketedPaste": true,
  "r.rterm.mac": "/usr/local/bin/radian"


VSCode-R-Debugger is a VS Code extension that implements R debugging capabilities. It depends on vscDebugger.

  1. Install VSCode-R-Debugger extension in VS Code.
  2. Install vscDebugger package via


httpgd is an R package to provide a graphics device that asynchronously serves SVG graphics via HTTP and WebSockets. It enables the plot viewer based on httpgd in VS Code.

  1. Install httpgd from CRAN

  2. Enable r.plot.useHttpgd in VS Code settings.