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arXiv Accounts

This project provides applications and libraries to support authentication and authorization, including account creation and login, user sessions, and API token management.

There are currently four pieces of software in this repository:

  1. users/ contains the arxiv.users package which provides core authentication and authorization functionality and domain classes. This includes integrations with the legacy database for user accounts and sessions. This is intended to be used by NG systems to ensure consistency and avoid code reuse.
  2. accounts/ contains a service that provides the main UIs for registration, the login/logout pages, profile management, etc.
  3. authenticator/ contains the authenticator service. Handles authentication requests from NGINX in a cloud deployment scenario.
  4. registry/ contains the API client registry application. This implements OAuth2 workflows, client registration, and the root API landing page.

TLS is considered an infrastructure concern, and is therefore out of scope (albeit critical) for this project.


  • Fix conflicts handling this and legacy systems. Logging into requires the client to delete all cookies from The source of these bugs may be this repo, catalyst arxiv-submit or php tapir.
  • Password reset in arxiv.users.legacy.accounts and in the accounts service.
  • Support for permanent login token.
  • Clean up and document authenticator service.
  • Fuzz testing.


  • Starting with v0.3.1, set AUTH_UPDATED_SESSION_REF=True in your application config to rename request.session to request.auth. request.auth will be the default name for the authenticated session starting in v0.4.1.


We use pipenv to manage dependencies. To install the dependencies for this project, run pipenv install in the root of this repository.

Note that the Pipfile does contain a reference to the arxiv.users package, which is located in users/. This allows you to test against the code in your current branch, install the package directly with pipenv install ./users.

In the past it did not contain a reference to arxiv.users and you could either install this from pypi or from ./users. This was changed by Erick P. in 2019-06.


Each of the applications/packages in this repository has its own test suite.

You can run everything together with:

pipenv run pytest \
    --cov=accounts \
    --cov=users/arxiv \
    --cov-report=term-missing \
    accounts users/arxiv

To enable integration + end-to-end tests with Redis, run:

WITH_INTEGRATION=1 pipenv run pytest \
    --cov=accounts \
    --cov=users/arxiv \
    --cov-report=term-missing \
    accounts users/arxiv

Note that this requires Docker to be running, and port 7000 to be free on your machine.


You can run the tests for the arxiv.users package with:

pipenv run pytest --cov=users/arxiv --cov-report=term-missing users/arxiv

Accounts service

You can run tests for the accounts service with:

pipenv run pytest --cov=accounts --cov-report=term-missing accounts

To run integration and end-to-end tests with a live Redis, use:

WITH_INTEGRATION=1 pipenv run pytest --cov=accounts --cov-report=term-missing accounts

Note that this requires Docker to be running, and port 7000 to be free on your machine.

Local development + manual testing

You can start the accounts service in a manner similar to other Flask apps. You will need to run Redis, which is most easily achieved using Docker:

docker run -d \
 -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 -p 7002:7002 -p 7003:7003 -p 7004:7004 -p 7005:7005 -p 7006:7006 \
 -e "IP=" --hostname=server grokzen/redis-cluster:4.0.9

This will start a local Redis instance, and map your host port 7000-7006 to the Redis instance.

Note: we're running Redis in cluster mode; the image used in this example is for dev/test purposes only.

pipenv install --dev

You will also need to decide what you want to use for the legacy user and session database backend. For local development/testing purposes, it's fine to use an on-disk SQLite database. You should also be able to use a local MySQL instance with a clone of the legacy database.

If you are starting with SQLite and don't already have a DB with users in it, you can use the accounts/ script. Note that this is for local dev/testing purposes only, and should never be used on a production DB ever under any circumstances with no exceptions.

CLASSIC_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:///my.db FLASK_APP=accounts/ FLASK_DEBUG=1 pipenv run python accounts/

You should be prompted to enter some profile details. Note that this currently selects your default category and groups at random.

Then start the Flask dev server with:

CLASSIC_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:///my.db FLASK_APP=accounts/ FLASK_DEBUG=1 pipenv run flask run

To use MySQL/MariaDB:

CLASSIC_DATABASE_URI=mysql+mysqldb://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@localhost:3306/[DATABASE] \ FLASK_DEBUG=1 pipenv run flask run

Set the username, password, and database to whatever you're using. If the DB structure does not already exist, the user will need to be able to create tables. Otherwise conventional read/write access should be sufficient.

You should be able to register a new user at http://localhost:5000/register.

Generating auth tokens

Use the helper script to generate auth tokens for dev/testing purposes.

Be sure that you are using the same secret when running this script as when you run the app. Set JWT_SECRET=somesecret in your environment to ensure that the same secret is always used.

$ JWT_SECRET=foosecret pipenv run python
Numeric user ID: 4
Email address:
Username: jbloggs1
First name [Jane]: Joe
Last name [Doe]: Bloggs
Name suffix [IV]:
Affiliation [Cornell University]:
Numeric rank [3]:
Alpha-2 country code [us]:
Default category [astro-ph.GA]:
Submission groups (comma delim) [grp_physics]:
Endorsement categories (comma delim) [astro-ph.CO,astro-ph.GA]:
Authorization scope (comma delim) [upload:read,upload:write,upload:admin]:


Start the dev server with:

$ JWT_SECRET=foosecret FLASK_DEBUG=1 pipenv run flask run

Use the (rather long) token in your requests to authorized endpoints. Set the header Authorization: [token]. There are apps that will do this for you. For Chrome, try Requestly or ModHeader

Code style

All new code should adhere as closely as possible to PEP008.

Use the Numpy style for docstrings.


Use Pylint to check your code prior to raising a pull request. The parameters below will be used when checking code cleanliness on commits, PRs, and tags, with a target score of >= 9/10.

If you're using Atom as your text editor, consider using the linter-pylama package for real-time feedback.

Here's how we use pylint in CI:

$ pipenv run pylint accounts/accounts users/arxiv/users
************* Module accounts.context
accounts/ [W0212(protected-access), get_application_config] Access to a protected member _Environ of a client class
************* Module accounts.encode
accounts/ [E0202(method-hidden), ISO8601JSONEncoder.default] An attribute defined in json.encoder line 158 hides this method
************* Module accounts.controllers.baz
accounts/controllers/ [C0102(blacklisted-name), ] Black listed name "baz"
************* Module
accounts/services/ [C0102(blacklisted-name), ] Black listed name "baz"
************* Module
accounts/services/ [R0903(too-few-public-methods), Thing] Too few public methods (0/2)
accounts/services/ [E1101(no-member), get_a_thing] Instance of 'scoped_session' has no 'query' member

Your code has been rated at 9.49/10 (previous run: 9.41/10, +0.07)


To verify the documentation style, use the tool PyDocStyle

Here's how we run pydocstyle in CI:

pipenv run pydocstyle --convention=numpy --add-ignore=D401 accounts users/arxiv

Type hints and static checking

Use type hint annotations wherever practicable. Use mypy to check your code. If you run across typechecking errors in your code and you have a good reason for mypy to ignore them, you should be able to add # type: ignore, ideally along with an actual comment describing why the type checking should be ignored on this line. In cases where it is hoped the types can be specified later, just simplying adding the # type: ignore without further comment is fine.

Try running mypy with (from project root):

pipenv run mypy accounts users/arxiv | grep -v "test.*" | grep -v "defined here"

Mypy options are most easily specified by adding them to mypy.ini in the repo's root directory.

mypy chokes on dynamic base classes and proxy objects (which you're likely to encounter using Flask); it's perfectly fine to disable checking on those offending lines using "# type: ignore". For example:

>>> g.baz = get_session(app) # type: ignore

See this issue for more information.


Documentation is built with Sphinx. The documentation source files (in reST markdown) are in docs/source. Everything in that directory is under version control. The rendered documentation is located in docs/build; those files are not under version control (per .gitignore).

To build the full documentation for this project:

cd <project_root>/docs
make html SPHINXBUILD=$(pipenv --venv)/bin/sphinx-build

Point your browser to: file:///path/to/arxiv-auth/docs/build/html/index.html.

There are other build targets available. Run make without any arguments for more info.


Architectural documentation is located at docs/source/architecture.rst. This can be exploded into multiple files, if necessary.

Code API documentation

Documentation for the (code) API is generated automatically with sphinx-apidoc, and lives in docs/source/api.

sphinx-apidoc generates references to modules in the code, which are followed at build time to retrieve docstrings and other details. This means that you won't need to run sphinx-apidoc unless the structure of the project changes (e.g. you add/rename a module).

To rebuild the API docs, run (from the project root):

sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source/arxiv.users -e -f -M --implicit-namespaces users/arxiv *test*/*
sphinx-apidoc -o docs/source/accounts -e -f -M accounts *test*/*