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Alexander Raab edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

If you want to install QuickLook on more than 1 PC these scripting-topics might be relevant:

Change Install-Directory

Currently the default path for installing QuickLook is the current user's %APPDATA%directory. To change it and install it for all users use this command: msiexec /i "msi_path" INSTALLFOLDER="C:\MyFolder path" ALLUSERS=1 /qb

Run at Startup

Create a shortcut in %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ named QuickLook.lnk pointing to path\to\QL\QuickLook.exe /autorun

ToDo: Does %ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\QuickLook.lnk also work?

Deploy plugins

.qlplugin-files are just zip-files that have been renamed. Unzipping these files into QuickLook.Plugin-directory inside the install-directory is all that's needed.