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How to use
RedToor edited this page Jan 15, 2016
19 revisions
General Commands:
update or u update ktf
show modules or showm show modules installed
use choise a module
show options or sop show options of module
set set up a parameter
run or r starts module
back or b backing
exit or e exit
clear clear screen
is file contain a menu of all modules installed, you can surf among them using General commands.
for run modules with parameter diretly.
python ktf.linker.py -m category/module -h <> Show parameter enables for that module
python ktf.linker.py -m category/module -t PARAMETER <> the module is launch with parameter
./python ktf.linker.py -m web/whois -h
python ktf.linker -m web/whois -t target.com -p 80
-t [target] IP or DNS target
-p [port] Port target
./python ktf.linker.py -m web/whois -t google.com -p 80
Module working...
for run module diretly with ktf.run.py file
if you want use a module without surf much -.-! you can use it
python ktf.run.py -m category/module
./python ktf.run.py -m web/whois
./python ktf.run.py -m net/lanlive
./python ktf.run.py -m mc/i