This codebase uses
, and
for the configuration.
contains two variables, ENV
and TASK
. They are used to select which environment and which task under that
environment to run. For the iTHOR environment, only ENV
is relevant and should be set to 'ai2thor'.
For the Kuka environment, ENV
should be set to 'arms' and the TASK
variable should be set to 'fourInARow'.
Each environment contains a
which has the settings for VAR, RL, and sound command.
For example, for the iTHOR environment, the file is located in Envs/ai2thor
The most important attributes are explained below and the full comment can be found in
. It is
recommended to look at
before you start.
- render: if you want to visualize the environment, set it to True.
- pretextCollection: set it to True to collect triplets before training the VAR
- pretextTrain: set it to True to train the VAR.
- pretextDataDir: the path to your collected triplets.
- pretextNumEnvs: use this number of parallel environments to collect pretext data.
- pretextModelFineTune: set it to True if you collect additional data to fine tune a trained VAR.
- pretextModelSaveDir: the path to save the trained VAR.
- pretextModelLoadDir: the path to load the trained VAR for the RL training.
- pretextCollectNum: for each class, collect this number of triplets.
- pretextEpoch: train this number of epoch for the VAR.
- RLManualControl: set it to True if you want to control the agent using keyboard.
- RLTrain: set it to True if you want to perform the RL training.
- RLModelSaveDir: the path to save the RL model
- RLModelFineTune: set it to True if you have a trained RL model and want to fine tune it.
- soundSource: a dictionary contains the settings for sound data.
The examples below show some commonly used settings.
- Visualize an environment and use keyboard to control the agent:
RLManualControl=True, RLTrain=False, render=True
- Collect triplets automatically from the environment:
, setpretextCollectNum, pretextDataDir, soundSource
, and
- Train a VAR with collected triplets:
pretextTrain=True, pretextCollection=False, pretextModelFineTune=False
, setpretextDataDir
, and
- Show embedding space of a trained VAR using the collected data:
pretextTrain=False, pretextCollection=False
, setpretextDataDir, pretextModelLoadDir
, and
- Train an RL agent with a VAR:
RLTrain=True, RLManualControl=False, RLModelFineTune=False
, setRLModelSaveDir, pretextModelLoadDir, soundSource
, and
- Test an RL agent:
RLTrain=False, RLManualControl=False, RLModelFineTune=False
, setRLModelLoadDir, pretextModelLoadDir, skillInfos, soundSource
, and
- Manually collect triplets from the environment:
pretextTrain=False, pretextCollection=True, pretextManualControl=True, pretextManualCollect=True
, setpretextDataDir
, and
- Show a real-time embedding space while controlling the agent with the keyboard:
RLManualControl=True, RLTrain=False, render=True, realTimeVec=True
, setpretextDataDir, pretextModelLoadDir
- Fine-tune a VAR with newly collected triplets:
pretextTrain=True, pretextCollection=False, pretextModelFineTune=True
, setpretextDataDir, pretextModelLoadDir
, and
- Fine-tune an RL policy given an updated VAR:
RLTrain=True, RLManualControl=False, RLModelFineTune=True
, setRLModelSaveDir, pretextModelLoadDir, soundSource
, and
This configuration file contains the settings for the environment. Usually, there is no need to change the settings in this file, unless you want to modify the environment. The keyboard control for the environment is contained in this file.