The output=template option uses javascript Handlebars library.
Additionally OpenAF processor uses the following Handlebars custom helpers.
Here are some of the available helpers:
Helper | Description |
$stringify | shows a JSON representation of the provided parameter |
$stringifyInLine | shows a JSON representation, without spaces, of the provided parameter |
$toYAML | shows the YAML version of the parameter |
$toJSON | shows the JSON version of the parameter |
$env | shows the current environment variable identified by the parameter |
$escape | shows an escaped version of the parameter |
$acolor | shows an ansi color (first argument) escape sequence of the string parameter (second argument) |
$f | uses the $f format function |
$ft | uses the $ft format function |
$path | uses the $path function to query objects |
$from | uses the $from & fromNLinq to query objects |
$oafp | uses the oafp function (inception) to parse the provided JSON/SLON string and return the results (tip: use with the #with helper) |
$toSLON | shows the ow.format.toSLON version of an object |
$get | shows the corresponding value for a key on $get |
$getObj | equivalent to |
$dateDiff | shows a number of seconds for a provided date optionally (second argument) with minutes, hours, days, months, weeks or years and (third argument) a default value |
$switch | equivalent to a javascript switch |
$case | to be used with $switch for each case |
$default | to be used with $switch for each case |
$pbar | shows an ansi ascii progress bar with a value and a max value, a min value, a size, an indicator and space char |
$pbars | shows an ansi ascii tree of progress bars with a format string: "unit path:color:legend... [-min:0] [-max:100] [-hsize:40]" |
$ptable | shows an ansi ascii printTable representation of an object |
$ptree | shows an ansi ascii printTree representation of an object |
$pchart | shows an ansi ascii line chart with an object and a format string: "unit path:color:legend... [-min:0] [-max:100] [-hsize:40] [-vsize:10]" |
$output | shows an $output representation of an object (aObj as 1st arg and options in slon as 2nd arg) |
$cjson | shows an ansi ascii colority representation fo an object |
$cslon | shows an ansi ascii colored SLON representation of an object |
$pmap | shows an ansi ascii printMap representation of an object |
$jsmap | shows a HTML representation of an object |
$t | given a template and an object instance, as arguments, will process and return the template |
$date | converts the argument provided to date |
$isoDate | converts the argument provided to an ISO date string |
$number | casts the argument provided to number |
$boolean | casts the argument provided to boolean |
$string | casts the argument provided to string |
$keys | shows an array of keys of the provided map |
$values | shows an array of values of the provided map |
$alen | shows the ansi length of the argument provided |
$len | shows the string length of the argument provided |
$repeat | shortcut to the OpenAF's repeat function |
$range | shortcut to the OpenAF's range function |
$a2m | shortcut to the OpenAF's $a2m function |
$a4m | shortcut to the OpenAF's $a4m function |
$m2a | shortcut to the OpenAF's $m2a function |
$m4a | shortcut to the OpenAF's $m4a function |
$pass | shows an empty string |
$p | shows the provided literal |
$sline | shortcut to the OpenAF's format withSideLine |
$set | block set of a provided key |
$concat | concatenates all arguments as a single value |
Here are some of the available conditional helpers:
Helper | Description |
and | Enables building a block that runs if A 'and' B is true |
compare | Enables building a block evaluating 'A' 'operation' 'B'. Operation can be: ==, ===, !=, !==, <, >, <=, >= and typeof |
contains | Enables building a block that runs if string 'A' contains string 'B' |
gt | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is greater than 'B' |
gte | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is greater or equal than 'B' |
startsWith | Enables building a block that runs if string 'A' starts with 'B' |
endsWith | Enables building a block that runs if string 'A' ends with 'B' |
match | Enables building a block that runs if string 'A' matchs regular expression 'B' |
has | Enables building a block that runs if map or array 'A' has 'B' property or element. |
eq | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' equals to 'B' |
ifEven | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is even |
ifOdd | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is odd |
is | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is 'B' |
isnt | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' isn't 'B' |
lt | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is lower than 'B' |
lte | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' is lower or equal than 'B' |
neither | Enables building a block that runs if 'A' and 'B' are not defined or false |
or | Enables building a block that runs if A 'or' B is true |
unlessEq | Enables building a block that runs unless 'A' equals to 'B' |
unlessGt | Enables building a block that runs unless 'A' greater than 'B' |
unlessLt | Enables building a block that runs unless 'A' lower than 'B' |
unlessGteq | Enables building a block that runs unless 'A' greater than or equals 'B' |
unlessLteq | Enables building a block that runs unless 'A' lower than or equals 'B' |
See examples in
Taking the JSON output from a weather service and converting it into a markdown report.
Let's start by creating the HandleBars template (save it as weather.hbs):
Now execute (changing the location if needed):
# Using oafp to parse the generated markdown
curl -s "" | oafp output=template template=weather.hbs | oafp input=md
# Saving the generated markdown
curl -s "" | oafp output=template template=weather.hbs >