This user-friendly tool allows you to modify Guitar Hero Live.
NOTICES: GHTV Reloaded: Mod Tools will not work and support V2 of GHTV Reloaded on December 1st 2023
To update or install the latest version of GHTV Reloaded - /~
Look what coming next at Trello
Check out GHTV Reloaded discord
- Custom gems (Allow you to change how the Gems look like in Guitar Hero Live)
- Highway FX (Change the highway FX colours)
- HyperSpeed (Change how fast the highway is)
- Community Patches (Easy way to apply community-made patches)
- Auto Updater (So you know the mod tools are up to date)
- File Explorer (Make setup easy and remember it)
- Auto Installer for GHTV Reloaded mod (Easy way to get GHTV Reloaded Mod setup. Great for new players)
- Translation (Community-made translation allows the mod tool text to be in your language)
- MOTD (Message of the day to let you know about anything GHTV Reloaded)
- Auto game updater (Mod tools always keep Guitar Hero Live up to date and the GHTV Reloaded Mod up to date)
- Support all versions of Guitar Hero Live for PS3
- Easy way for new players to set up and play GHTV Reloaded mod on RPCS3
- Auto update Guitar Hero Live to the latest version
- Support Guitar Hero Live: TV Edition
- Downloads the latest GHTV Reloaded mod
- Easy guide on how to connect your Guitar Hero Live Guitar to RPCS3 (Windows Only)
- Custom Colour for Highway FX
- HyperSpeed for all songs (GHTV and Live)
- Pre-download the latest songs from GHTV
- Import custom gems textures to Guitar Hero Live
- Visual see what they look like before you export them to Guitar Hero Live
- Customise Gem texture for (normal, Hero note collect, Hero power active, Hopo, Streak)
- Custom Gem box (The box that pops up when you hold down a button)
- Custom Gem Trail (Change the texture for the trails behind long notes)
- Export your custom gems as a gem pack so you can share them with the world
- Export your custom gems into Guitar Hero Live
- Support every highway for GHL and GHTV
- Apply to all Highways in Guitar Hero Live
- Easily access community-made gem packs
- Easily import pre-made gem packs from the world into the viewer.
- Select which gem pack you want to import to Guitar Hero Live
- Pre-download Official gem pack approved by the GHTV Reloaded Team
- Hopo notes fixed by GHCripto (make seeing Hammer-ons and Pull-offs easier when Hero Power notes are on screen)
- No Video Patch by The Guitar Hero Nerd (Hide the video on GHTV for your stream/youtube video, Do note On-Demand songs will error)
- Note Streak Patch by Nathan3197 (remove the note streak pop-up when hitting certain note hit milestones)
- Hero Power Patch by GHCripto (Give the PS3 version of Guitar Hero Live the Hero Power FX from the other console versions)
- Restart Patch by The Guitar Hero Nerd (Adds a restart button to on-demand)
- Go back a menu / Quit (on the main menu): Escape Key
- GHLIMGConverter by AnthoChamb
- PVRTexToolCLI.exe version 4.23 or earlier
Please report all bugs on the Issue page
Created in Unity 2022.1.21f1