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Pokemon Icon Postprocessor

Batch renaming + trimming pokemon_icons for easier access.

I am too lazy to run it myself

Compiled icons available at:

Or to use specific commit:

Source: /~


Install imagemagick (and optionally your favorite PNG compressor).

npm install
node main.js /path/to/pokemon_icons /path/to/output/dir
find /path/to/output/dir -iname '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P `nproc` optipng -o7 -strip all

Another useful script is included for migrating PMSF icons. You can invoke it by running node migrate.js pmsf /path/to/input/dir /path/to/output/dir.

Using the icons

Output file name format follows the "Intermapping Cooperative Object Naming Standard" (ICONS). (customizable via editing the code directly)

<pokemon id>[-b<bread mode id>][-e<temp evolution id>][-f<form id>][-c<costume id>][-g<gender id>][-shiny].png

Additionally, you will find a index.json file containing an JSON array of all the filenames (minus extensions) for you to do fallbacks locally.

You should use the following fallback algorithm to determine the best pokemon icon:

  1. Try b-p-e-f-c-g-shiny (111111)
  2. Try b-p-e-f-c-g (111110)
  3. Try b-p-e-f-c-shiny (111101)
  4. Try p-shiny (000001)
  5. Try p.png (000000)
  6. Use 0.png as substitute pokemon

Reference implementation in node.js:

const axios = require('axios')
const { Sema } = require('async-sema')

const sema = new Sema(1)
const availablePokemon = {}

function resolvePokemonIcon(availablePokemon, pokemonId, form = 0, evolution = 0, breadMode = 0, gender = 0,
                            costume = 0, shiny = false) {
    const breadModeSuffixes = breadMode ? ['-b' + breadMode, ''] : ['']
    const evolutionSuffixes = evolution ? ['-e' + evolution, ''] : ['']
    const formSuffixes = form ? ['-f' + form, ''] : ['']
    const costumeSuffixes = costume ? ['-c' + costume, ''] : ['']
    const genderSuffixes = gender ? ['-g' + gender, ''] : ['']
    const shinySuffixes = shiny ? ['-shiny', ''] : ['']
    for (const breadModeSuffix of breadModeSuffixes) {
    for (const evolutionSuffix of evolutionSuffixes) {
    for (const formSuffix of formSuffixes) {
    for (const costumeSuffix of costumeSuffixes) {
    for (const genderSuffix of genderSuffixes) {
    for (const shinySuffix of shinySuffixes) {
        const result = `${pokemonId}${breadModeSuffix}${evolutionSuffix}${formSuffix}${costumeSuffix}${genderSuffix}${shinySuffix}`
        if (availablePokemon.has(result)) return result
    return '0'  // substitute

async function pokicon(baseUrl, pokemonId, form = 0, evolution = 0, female = false, costume = 0,
                       shiny = false) {
    await sema.acquire()
    try {
        if (availablePokemon[baseUrl] === undefined) {
            const response = await axios.get(`${baseUrl}/index.json`)
            availablePokemon[baseUrl] = new Set(
    } finally {
    return `${baseUrl}/${resolvePokemonIcon(availablePokemon[baseUrl], pokemonId, form, evolution, female, costume, shiny)}.png`

module.exports = pokicon

Notes for icon makers

  • If the icon is for the first form of the Pokemon (usually the normal form), leave out -f so that it becomes the default asset
  • If it is for male pokemon or if it is genderless, leave out -g so that it becomes the default asset
  • Currently in-game assets for temporary evolutions are tied to Pokemon rather than Pokemon + form, so please leave out -f for mega assets until the game gets updated (if that ever happens)
  • Handy batch/bash script for making index.json files: python -c "import os, json; print(json.dumps([os.path.splitext(file)[0] for file in os.listdir('.') if file.endswith('.png')], separators=(',', ':')))" > index.json


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