Most of this is thanks to jarvis
-> /~
- alacrity configs
- zsh configs
- tmux configs
- neovim configs
- vim8 configs
- terminal -> alacrity
- shell -> zsh
- tmux
- neovim (pref) or vim
- ripgrep
sudo ln -s ~/<repo-directory> ~/<dotfile-location-and-name>
- $HOME/.alacrity.yml (or) $HOME/.config/alacrity/alacrity.yml
- $HOME/.zshrc
- $HOM/.tmux.conf
- $HOME/.config/nvim/init.vim
- nerdtree (repo)
- denite
- coc.vim
- $HOME/.vimrc
git signify color change, red/green
coc linting color changes
get used to your current setup and tweak it to your liking
- find a commenting plugin
- learn to use coc and see the errors messages
document everything
- things to install
- powerline fonts
- python packages, ripgrep, others...
- test your install notes by installing everything again on like windows WSL or a new system...
- notes on Hotkeys
- default nvim/nvim bindigs your learning - 'i' 'a'
- custom hotkeys, related to plugins
- change the ; hotkey, I need it for next finding reference when using
- things to install
document the following