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Skylar Wyant edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 28 revisions

Basic Usage

The Adapter_Trimming handler trims adapters off samples. This script utilizes Scythe on paired-end or single-end data. To run Adapter_Trimming, all common and wrapper-specific variables must be defined within the configuration file. Once the variables have been defined, Adapter_Trimming can be submitted to a job scheduler with the following command:

sequence_handling Adapter_Trimming Config

Where Config is the full file path to the configuration file.


The following are a list of variables that need to be defined within Config. In addition to the handler-specific variables, all common variables must be defined.

Variable Line Function
Email 5 Sets an email address for notifications of job status
SEQUENCE_HANLDING 66 The full path to the directory in which sequence_handling is stored
SAMPLE_INFO 69 A list of samples to trim
FORWARD_NAMING 75 Extension for forward files
REVERSE_NAMING 76 Extension for reverse files
PROJECT 79 A name that describes the project you are working on
SCRATCH 82 A directory that will hold results
ADAPTERS 85 A plain text or fasta file with the adapter sequences
PRIOR 89 A prior value for Scythe
THRESHOLD 94 The threshold for quality trimming in Sickle
PLATFORM 97 The platform used for sequencing. This can be found in the output files from
R Definition 100-102 Define the path to an R installation or load it from a cluster

Output creates trimmed FastQ files for each sample. It also generates trimming statistics to help assess quality both before and after trimming. It is still recommended that be used for more complete quality assurance. In addition, a list of all trimmed files will be output for use with other scripts.

After the job has run, a list of trimmed FastQ files will be generated for use with, please view the output file from the job submission to obtain the path to the list.


Adapter_Trimming depends on Scythe to perform the trimming. This is not installed on MSI and must be installed separately. Furthermore, PBS and GNU Parallel are required for basic running.