- The genome is at Phytozome
- Md5 checksum listed as:
cd /scratch.global/pmorrell/Cowpeapan/VunguiculataIT97K-499-35_v1.2/assembly
md5sum Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz
[//]: # 78686a7ec556ad59fc2612432ae8fef3 Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa.gz
[//]: # Unfortunately the checksums don't match! Try pulling directly from Phytozome and checking again!
[//]: # Try another genome: VunguiculataSuvita2_541_v1.1
* Md5 checksum listed as: `b9a318fa49d247f79f1d48538f18d205`
cd /scratch.global/pmorrell/Cowpeapan/VunguiculataSuvita2_541_v1.1/assembly
md5sum VunguiculataSuvita2_541_v1.0.fa.gz
[//]: # 24903399b8a6f2311a9e5b7300079daf VunguiculataSuvita2_541_v1.0.fa.gz
- To format a blast database from the reference genome we need to use a command line similar to that from this link. The command looks like:
makeblastdb -in 160404_barley_pseudomolecules_masked.fasta -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids
. The
##Setting up contextual sequence for annotation
- Using iSelect contextual sequence as provided in a file from Tim Close, "iSelect_DesignSequences.xlxs"
- SNPs have 60 bp of sequence on the 5' side, but sometimes contextual sequence is shorter on the 3'
[//]: # File in Dropbox
cd /Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea
[//]: # Remove the header line and preserve only the name and the
tail -n +2 /Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea/iSelect_DesignSequences.txt | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"}; {print $1, $8}' >iSelect_all.txt
wc -l iSelect_all.txt
[//]: # 56719 iSelect_all.txt - there are many additional variants that did not make the assay.
[//]: # Planning to annotate everything, including those that are indicated on the spreadsheet as not being on the iSelect chip!
- Moved the file over to MSI for analysis
- Converting the tab-delimited SNPs to a fasta file.
cd /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Datasets/Annotations/Cowpea
[//]: # Make sure we are using tab delimited text
perl -p -i -e 's/ /\t/g' iSelect_all.txt
module load python2
[//]: # Have to use Python 2 for the helper scripts
python2 --version
[//]: # Python 2.7.15 :: Anaconda, Inc.
python2 ~/shared/Software/SNPMeta/Helper_Scripts/Convert_Illumina.py iSelect_all.txt >iSelect_all.fas
srun -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=4 --mem-per-cpu=1gb -t 1:00:00 -p interactive --pty bash
module load python3/3.8.3_anaconda2020.07_mamba
module load ncbi_blast+/2.8.1
module load emboss/6.6.0
[//]: # Have to use a very specific version of Biopython!
pip install biopython==1.69 --user
[//]: # Used head to pull just the beginning of the fasta file.
python3 ~/shared/Software/SNPMeta/SNPMeta.py -f cowpea_100.fas \
-a 'pmorrell@umn.edu' \
-l 60 \
--outfmt tabular \
-o 'cowpea_SNPMeta.txt'
Peter L. Morrell
28 April 2021
- Check our input file, it looks like there are Windows line endings (from the spreadsheet export)
- Fix those below
file /Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea/iSelect_all.txt
/Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea/iSelect_all.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
sed -i.bak 's/\r$//' /Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea/iSelect_all.txt
pmorrell@x-134-84-0-93 Utilities % file /Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea/iSelect_all.txt
/Users/pmorrell/Dropbox/Documents/Work/Projects/Cowpea/iSelect_all.txt: ASCII text
- Using the setup from Li Lei's run of 9k_BOPA_SNP
- Used example from Li Lei to write a new Slurm bash script for BLAST makeblashdb. Was so fast it did not need to queue.
- The makeblastdb.sh script is at the link
- First run the SNP_Utils CONFIG step to make a config file for BLAST search
- Use [SNPMeta]/~https://github.com/MorrellLAB/SNPMeta helper script to convert iSelect contextual sequence for read mapping in BWA MEM
- Convert_Illumina.py
- Need to create a bwa index
module load python3
pip install overload --user
cd /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Software/SNP_Utils
./snp_utils.py CONFIG -d /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa -k -i 95 -c /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.ini
./snp_utils.py BLAST -l /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/iSelect_all.txt \
-c /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.ini \
-b -d -t 100000 -o /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.vcf
Peter Morrell and Nadia Janis
4 May 2021
Falcon Heights, MN
- Need to load NCBI BLAST
cd /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils
module load ncbi_blast+/2.8.1
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/taxdb.tar.gz
tar zxvf taxdb.tar.gz
makeblastdb -in Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids
blastdbcheck -db Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa
blastn -db Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa \
-query iSelect_all.fas \
-outfmt 5
-out cowpea_snps.xml &
[//]: # outfmt 5 is xml
- Preparing genetic map for SNP_Utils
- Need to replace linkage group names with names on chromosomes
- The genetic map needs to be in Plink 1.9 format. This requires a 1-based physical position in the fourth column.
perl -wpl -e 's/\b1\t/Vu01/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b2\t/Vu02/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b3\t/Vu03/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b4\t/Vu04/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b5\t/Vu05/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b6\t/Vu06/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b7\t/Vu07/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b8\t/Vu08/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b9\t/Vu09/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b10\t/Vu10/g;' | \
perl -wpl -e 's/\b11\t/Vu11/g;' >cowpea_consensus_map.txt
cd Desktop
wc -l Cowpea_consensus_map.txt
[//]: # 37,371 SNPs are in the consensus map, need to add 1 value, as the numbers are 1-based.
paste Cowpea_consensus_map.txt <(seq 1 37372) >~/Desktop/Cowpea_consesus_map_plink.txt
module load python3/3.6.3_anaconda5.0.1
cd /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Software/SNP_Utils
python3 snp_utils.py BLAST -l ${LOOKUP_TABLE} -x ${XML} -b -m ${GENETIC_MAP} -d -t 100000 -o ${OUT_PREFIX}
Peter Morrell
05 May 2021
Falcon Heights, MN
module load python3/3.6.3_anaconda5.0.1
cd /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/shared/Software/SNP_Utils
python3 snp_utils.py SAM \
--lookup /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/iSelect_all.txt \
--sam-file /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa/iSelect_cowpea_BWA.sam \
--reference /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa \
--by-chrom --genetic-map /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Cowpea_consesus_map_plink.txt \
--outname /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa/iSelect_cowpea
Reading in lookup table /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/iSelect_all.txt Reading in reference FASTA /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/>Vunguiculata_IT97K-499-35_v1.0.fa This might take a while... Reading in SAM file /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa/iSelect_cowpea_BWA.sam No map for 1_0661 No map for 2_02646 No map for 2_48680 No map for 2_51194 Filtering SNPs by hit chromsome/contig Using genetic map /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/Cowpea_consesus_map_plink.txt Writing 56701 SNPs to /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa/iSelect_cowpea.vcf Removing masked SNPs that were actually found Writing 14 masked SNPs to /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa/>iSelect_cowpea_masked.vcf Writing 4 failed SNPs to /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa/iSelect_cowpea_failed.log
- Creating files for Tim Close
cd /panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/pmorrell/Workshop/Cowpea/SNP_Utils/bwa
grep -v '#' iSelect_cowpea.vcf | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"}; {print $3,$1,$2}' >SNP_positions.txt
join Tim_table.txt <(sort -k1 SNP_positions.txt) | cut -d ' ' -f 1,4,5,6 >Tim_new.txt
Peter Morrell
06 May 2021
Falcon Heights, MN
- Reran the blastn.sh script with the "-" characters removed from SNP contextual sequences