title: nodeppt Layout 布局演示 speaker: 三水清 url: /~https://github.com/ksky521/nodeppt
这可能是迄今为止最好的网页版演示库 {.text-intro}
:fa-github: Github{.button.ghost}
:::{.content-left} ### 1/9 left top Put content wherever you want. Have less. Do more. Create beautiful solutions..slide-top and .content-left
.slide-top and .content-center
.slide-top and .content-right
and .content-left
and .content-center
and .content-right
:::div {.content-right}
"There is something only a CEO uniquely can do, which is set that tone, which can then capture the soul of the collective." ==Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.== :::
:::flexblock {.specs} ::fa-wifi::
Simple and secure file sharing.
Your battery worries may be over.
We'll fix it or if we can't, we'll replace it.
Beauty overdose. .text-pull-right
Imagine that you are in Florence. If you suddenly start to feel that you literally cannot breathe, you may be experiencing Stendhal Syndrome.
Psychiatrists have long debated whether it really exists. {.text-pull-right}
The syndrome is not only associated with viewing a beautiful place, but also good art.
The beauty of Italian art has a concentrated perfection and transcendent sensuality that is incredibly addictive.
* * * {.text-symbols}
* [:fa-tv: Background](./background.html) * [:fa-magic: Animation](./animation.html) * [:fa-cube: Component](./component.html) * [:fa-youtube: Media](./media.html) * [:fa-css3: Classes](./index.html)快使用 nodeppt 轻松搞定高大上PPT
nodeppt 助力你的人生逆袭之路! {.text-into}
:fa-cloud-download: Github{.button}