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Installing and Running

rocky edited this page Sep 11, 2021 · 1 revision

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Mathics runs on Python 3.6 or later. We also support PyPy 3.6 or later. Underneath Mathics relies on sympy which relies on numpy. These and the other requirements will be installed automatically if you use the standard Python installer pip. They are also listed in


Although getting the base Mathics packages is pretty simple, to get the full installation with mathics script and the various add-on packages. The docker method right now is the most complete.

Install from PyPI

   $ pip install Mathics3

Note the name is "Mathics3" for the most recent release. "Mathics" has pre-Python 3 code.

Install from Conda-Forge

See /~

From docker (dockerhub)

As an alternative to building from source or installing a Python package, you can run pre-built code via docker. To download a copy of the docker image run:

$ docker pull mathicsorg/mathics

However you this step is also done implicitly if you just issue the command to run the code. That invocation is given in the next section.

From an OS-specific Repository

Click on the link below from for details for a specific OS and distribution:

Packaging status

Install from git from github

Several additional dependencies over what is described above if you want to:

  • build the documentation (which needs xetex, etc.)
  • do full testing (which needs pytest, etc.)
  • run the command-line interface
  • run the Django 3.1 webserver (which needs SQLite, etc.) `

Below we give command-line instructions. There is also GitHub's git client for your operating system (Mac; Windows). For that, clone mathics/Mathics (there is a button at the top of /~ that says "Clone in Mac" or "Clone in Windows" depending on your platform).

$ git clone /~
$ cd Mathics
$ make install

Alternatively use make develop or pip install -e to run the code installed from where the source-code is checked out. In doing this, code changes in the source tree are reflected immediately when you rerun.

Of course, you may not want this, but instead want to run from a copy of the last stable code, so that's what make install does.

OS-dependent packages

For the installation above you may need OS-specific packages.

For Debian/Ubuntu based systems:

$ apt-get install python-dev libsqlite3-devp python-setuptools

as super-user, i.e. either after having issued su or by preceding the command with sudo).

On Mac OS X

$ brew install sqlite3

On FreeBSD:

$ sudo pkg install math/py-mathics

Running Mathics

Running natively

Command-line interface

After installing, you can run your a local Mathics command-line interface with:

$ mathics

If you are running code from the source tree, i.e. "develop" mode, the the above is the same thing as running:

$ python mathic/

To get a list of options run:

$ mathics --help

However note that the above CLI is pretty minimal and is likley to stay that way.

For a more full-featured CLI see mathicsscript.

In the future, mathicsscript this may support graphics output.

Django-based-line interface

Chances are you that instead of running a command-line interface you will want to run the fancier Django-based web server. This does support graphics output currently (although in the future we plan to improve that).

To start the server after Mathics has been installed, run:

$ mathicsserver

The first time this command is run it will create the database file for saving your sessions. Issue

$ mathicsserver --help

to see a list of options.

You can set the used port by using the option -p, as in:

$ mathicsserver -p 8010

The default port for Mathics is 8000. Make sure you have the necessary privileges to start an application that listens to this port. Otherwise, you will have to run Mathics as super-user.

By default, the Web server is only reachable from your local machine. To be able to access it from another computer, use the option -e.

However, the server is only intended for local use, as it is a security risk to run it openly on a public Web server!

If you are running from the source tree and instead want run the webserver in a mode where if you make changes to the code, the webserver will get restarted, we have a GNU Makefile target for doing that.

Here, run:

$ make runserver

This is the same thing as running python mathics/ runserver.

Passing options such as setting the port to listen on is a little different here because the option has to be a option and that works And to complicate things further you are running GNU Make and then have to pass tell that to pass over the option. So use pass o=8001 to make in order to pass option 8001 to In other words, to set the port here to 8001:

$ make runserver o=8001 # note, no dash

Running via docker

Another way to run mathics is via docker using the `Mathics docker image on dockerhub.

To run the command-line interface using docker image:

$ docker run --rm -it --name mathics-cli -v /tmp:/usr/src/app/data mathicsorg/mathics --mode cli

If you want to add options add them at then end preceded with --: for example:

$ docker run --rm -it --name mathics-cli -v /tmp:/usr/src/app/data mathicsorg/mathics --mode cli -- --help

In the above you are running mathicsscript (the enhanced CLI), not mathics.

To run the Django 3.1-web interface using docker image run:

$ docker run --rm -it --name mathics-web -p 8000:8000 -v /tmp:/usr/src/app/data mathicsorg/mathics --mode ui

Consult the docker-run command for information about changing external port number and other for other docker run options.

Also see the previous section on security limitations.

This dockerization was modified from sealemar/mathics-dockerized. See that for more details on how this works.