you're probably here because you want to know how to use PicMan, so let's get started.
Live Link:
Server Side Repo: /~
- User can login with google
- User can login with email and password
- User can see all the services
- Private Route
- User can add a service
- User can add a review
- User can see all the reviews
- JWT Token
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Hosting
- MongoDB Database
- Express JS
- Node JS
- React JS
- React Router
- React Hook Form
- React Tailwind
- Daisy UI
- React Icons
- React Toastify
- React Router Dom
- React Image View
and so on...
I used React JS, React Router, React Hook Form, React Tailwind, Daisy UI, React Icons, React Toastify, React Router Dom, React Image View, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, MongoDB Database, Express JS, Node JS, JWT Token, Private Route, and so on...
I faced a lot of challenges while building this project. I faced a lot of problems while using React Hook Form, React Tailwind, Daisy UI, React Icons, React Toastify, React Router Dom, React Image View, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, MongoDB Database, Express JS, Node JS, JWT Token, Private Route, and so on...
I'm proud of myself that I've completed this project. I'm proud of myself that I've learned a lot of things while building this project. I'm proud of myself that I've learned a lot of things while using React Hook Form, React Tailwind, Daisy UI, React Icons, React Toastify, React Router Dom, React Image View, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Hosting, MongoDB Database, Express JS, Node JS, JWT Token, Private Route, and so on...