Kubeclient release versioning follows SemVer. At some point in time it is decided to release version x.y.z.
gem install gem-release
git checkout -b "release-$RELEASE_VERSION" $RELEASE_BRANCH
as necessary. Even if all included changes remembered to update it, you should replace "Unreleased" section header with appropriate "x.y.z — 20yy-mm-dd" header.
Bump lib/kubeclient/version.rb
manually, or by using:
# Won't work with uncommitted changes, you have to commit the changelog first.
gem bump --version $RELEASE_VERSION
git show # View version bump change.
Open a PR with target branch $RELEASE_BRANCH and get it reviewed & merged (if open for long, remember to update date in CHANGELOG to actual day of release).
curl -u $RUBYGEMS_USERNAME https://rubygems.org/api/v1/api_key.yaml > ~/.gem/credentials; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials
cat ~/.gem/credentials
# Should look like this:
:rubygems_api_key: ****
Make sure we're locally after the bump PR merge commit:
git checkout $RELEASE_BRANCH
git status # Make sure there are no local changes
git pull --ff-only /~https://github.com/ManageIQ/kubeclient $RELEASE_BRANCH
git log -n1
Last sanity check:
bundle install
bundle exec rake test rubocop
Create and push the tag:
gem tag --no-push
git push --tags --dry-run /~https://github.com/ManageIQ/kubeclient # Check for unexpected tags
git push --tags /~https://github.com/ManageIQ/kubeclient
Release onto rubygems.org:
gem release