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325 lines (214 loc) · 12.8 KB


Notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. Kubeclient release versioning follows SemVer.

Unreleased — to become 5.y.z


  • Added impersonation support. Limited to at most 1 group in as_groups and 1 value for each as_user_extra field. (#600)


  • now always requires an api version, use for example:, 'v1')
  • faraday is used as HTTP client instead of rest_client, supports both 1.x and 2.x faraday versions

TODO: lots of changes on master branch missing here!

NOTE: newest 4.y.z versions sometimes missing here — see on v4.y branch: /~

4.11.0 — 2022-12-22


  • Dropped support for EOL Ruby versions 2.5, 2.6. (#589)


  • Relaxed dependency on http gem (used for watches) to allow 5.y.z versions. (#589)

    • Specifically, http 5.1.1 may fix issues watching with IPv6. (#585)

4.10.1 — 2022-10-01


  • Dropped debug logging about bearer token options that was added in 4.10.0. (#577)

4.10.0 — 2022-08-29


  • When using :bearer_token_file, re-read the file on every request. (#566 closed #561)

    Kubernetes version 1.21 graduated BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume feature to beta and enabled it by default, so standard in-cluster auth now uses short-lived tokens.

    This changes allows a long-lived Client object to keep working when the token file gets rotated. It's not optimized at all, if you feel the performance overhead, please report!

4.9.3 — 2022-03-23


  • VULNERABILITY FIX: Previously, whenever kubeconfig did not define custom CA (normal situation for production clusters with public domain and certificate!), Config was returning ssl_options[:verify_ssl] hard-coded to VERIFY_NONE :-(

    Assuming you passed those ssl_options to Kubeclient::Client, this means that instead of checking server's certificate against your system CA store, it would accept ANY certificate, allowing easy man-in-the middle attacks.

    This is especially dangerous with user/password or token credentials because MITM attacker could simply steal those credentials to the cluster and do anything you could do on the cluster.

    This was broken IN ALL RELEASES MADE BEFORE 2022, ever since Kubeclient::Config was created.


  • Bug fix: kubeconfig insecure-skip-tls-verify field was ignored. When kubeconfig did define custom CA, Config was returning hard-coded VERIFY_PEER.

    Now we honor it, return VERIFY_NONE iff kubeconfig has explicit insecure-skip-tls-verify: true, otherwise VERIFY_PEER.


  • Config: fixed parsing of certificate-authority file containing concatenation of several certificates. Previously, server's cert was checked against only first CA cert, resulting in possible "certificate verify failed" errors.

    An important use case is a chain of root & intermediate cert(s) - necessary when cluster's CA itself is signed by another custom CA. But also helps when you simply concatenate independent certs. (#461, #552)

    • Still broken (#460): inline certificate-authority-data is still parsed using add_cert method that handles only one cert.

These don't affect code that supplies Client parameters directly, only code that uses Config.

4.9.2 — 2021-05-30


  • Ruby 3.0 compatibility (#500, #505).


  • Reduce .gem size by dropping test/ directory, it's useless at run time (#502).

4.9.1 — 2020-08-31


  • Now should work with apiserver deployed not at root of domain but a sub-path, which is standard with Rancher. Notably, create_... methods were sending bad apiVersion and getting 400 error. (#457, hopefully fixes #318, #418 and

4.9.0 - 2020-08-03


  • Support for user: exec credential plugins using TLS client auth (#453)

4.8.0 — 2020-07-03


  • Support for server-side apply (#448).


  • Declared forgotten dependency on jsonpath, needed for gcp provider with cmd-path (#450).

4.7.0 — 2020-06-14


  • Ruby 2.7 compatibility: bumped minimum recursive-open-struct to one that works on 2.7 (#439).
  • Ruby 2.7 warnings (#433, #438).
  • Improved watch documentation, including behavior planned to change in 5.0.0 (#436).


  • Google Application Default Credentials: Added to requested scopes, which is necessary for RBAC policies (#441).

4.6.0 — 2019-12-30


  • AmazonEksCredentials was sometimes leaving base64 padding that IAM auth of the EKS cluster rejects. Now padding is always stripped. (#424, #423)


  • Allow calling watch_foos methods with a block, simpler to use and guarantees closing the connection. (#425)

  • Support limitBytes query parameter for get_pod_log. (#426)

4.5.0 — 2019-09-27


  • Support :resourceVersion parameter in get_foos methods (similar to existing support in watch_foos methods). (#420)

  • Relax dependency on http gem to allow both 3.x and 4.x. (#413)

4.4.0 — 2019-05-03


  • GCP configs with user[auth-provider][name] == 'gcp' will execute credential plugin (normally the gcloud config config-helper subcommand) when the config specifies it in cmd-path, cmd-args fields (similar to exec support). This code path works without googleauth gem. Otherwise, GoogleApplicationDefaultCredentials path will be tried as before. (#410)
  • AmazonEksCredentials helper for obtaining a token to authenticate against Amazon EKS. This is not currently integrated in Config, you will need to invoke it yourself. You'll need some aws gems that Kubeclient does not include. (#404, #406)


  • OpenID Connect tokens which cannot be validaded because we cannot identify the key they were signed with will be considered expired and refreshed as usual. (#407)

4.3.0 — 2019-03-03


  • GoogleApplicationDefaultCredentials will now automatically be used by Config if the user[auth-provider][name] == 'gcp' in the provided context. Note that user[exec] is checked first in anticipation of this functionality being added to GCP sometime in the future. Kubeclient does not include the required googleauth gem, so you will need to include it in your calling application. (#394)


  • OpenID Connect credentials will automatically be used if the user[auth-provider][name] == 'oidc' in the provided context. Note that user[exec] is checked first. Kubeclient does not include the required openid_connect gem, so you will need to include it in your calling application. (#396)

  • Support for json_patch_#{entity} and merge_patch_#{entity}. patch_#{entity} will continue to use strategic merge patch. (#390)

4.2.2 — 2019-01-09


  • New http_max_redirects option (#374).


  • Default max redirects for watch increased from 4 to 10, to match other verbs (#374).

4.2.1 — 2018-12-26


  • For resources that contain dashes in name, there will be an attempt to resolve the method name based on singular name prefix or by replacing the dash in names with underscores (#383).

4.2.0 — 2018-12-20


  • Support user: exec: ... credential plugins like in Go client (#363, #375).


  • Really made, nil) prevent external file lookups. (#372) README documented this since 3.1.1 (#334) but alas that was a lie — absolute paths always worked. Now this also prevents credential plugin execution.

    Even in this mode, using config from untrusted sources is not recommended.

This release included all changes up to 4.1.1, but NOT 4.1.2 which was branched off later (4.2.1 does include same fix).

4.1.2 — 2018-12-26


  • For resources that contain dashes in name, there will be an attempt to resolve the method name based on singular name prefix or by replacing the dash in names with underscores (#382).

4.1.1 — 2018-12-17


  • Fixed method names for non-suffix plurals such as y -> ies (#377).

4.1.0 — 2018-11-28 — REGRESSION

This version broke method names where plural is not just adding a suffix, notably y -> ies (bug #376).


  • Support custom resources with lowercase kind (#361).
  • create_security_context_constraint now works (#366).
  • get_security_context_constraints.kind, get_endpoints.kind are now plural as in kubernetes (#366).


  • Add support for retrieving large lists of objects in chunks (#356).

4.0.0 — 2018-07-23


  • Bumped officially supported kubernetes versions to >= 1.3.
  • Specifically proxy_url no longer works for <= 1.2 (#323).


  • proxy_url now works for kubernetes 1.10 and later (#323).


  • Switched http gem dependency from 2.y to 3.y (#321).

3.1.2 — 2018-06-11


  • Fixed regression, no longer crashes on YAML timestamps (#338).

3.1.1 - 2018-06-01 — REGRESSION

In this version raises Psych::DisallowedClass on legal yaml configs containing a timestamp, for example gcp access-token expiry (bug #337).


  • Changed to use YAML.safe_load (#334).

    Previously, could deserialize arbitrary ruby classes. The risk depends on ruby classes available in the application; sometimes a class may have side effects - up to arbitrary code execution - when instantiated and/or built up with x[key] = value during YAML parsing.

    Despite this fix, using config from untrusted sources is not recommended.

3.1.0 - 2018-05-27


  • Fixed watch .finish sometimes caused HTTP::ConnectionError exception from the reading loop (#315).


  • get_pod_log now has timestamps, since_time (#319) and tail_lines (#326) params.
  • Kubeclient::Config::Context#namespace now set, if present in kubeconfig file (#308).
  • Improved README directions for authenticating within a kubernetes cluster (#316).
  • Kubeclient::GoogleApplicationDefaultCredentials helper for Google application default credentials (#213). Needs googleauth gem.
  • New as: :parsed and as: :parsed_symbolized formats (#306).
  • Allow setting default as: format for the whole client (#299, #305).
  • Relaxed recursive-open-struct dependency to allow 1.1+ as well (#313).

3.0.0 - 2018-02-04


  • Dropped entity classes (Kubeclient::Pod etc.), only Kubeclient::Resource exists now (#292, #288). Checking the type of a resource can be done using:

    > pod.kind
    => "Pod"

    update_* delete_* and patch_* now return a RecursiveOpenStruct like the get_* methods

    The Kubeclient::Client class raises Kubeclient::HttpError or subclasses now. Catching KubeException still works but is deprecated.

    Kubeclient::Config#context raises KeyError instead of RuntimeError for non-existent context name.

  • Ruby 2.0, 2.1 no longer supported (#253, #291).


  • Added missing singular get_security_context_constraint, fixed get_security_context_constraints to mean plural (#261).
  • Fixed @http_proxy_uri undefined warning (#261).
  • Documentation fixes & improvements (#225, #229, #243, #296).


  • delete_options: parameter to delete_* methods, useful for cascade delete (#267).
  • as: :raw option for watch (#285).
  • Now raises Kubeclient::HttpError. Rescuing KubeException still works but is deprecated. (#195, #288)
    • 404 error raise Kubeclient::ResourceNotFoundError, a subclass of HttpError (#233).
  • Include request info in exception message (#221).
  • Ruby 2.4 and 2.5 are now supported & tested (#247, #295).


  • Kubeclient::Config#context(nonexistent_context_name) raises KeyError instead of RuntimeError.
  • update_*, delete_*, patch_* now all return RecursiveOpenStruct consistently (#290).
  • Many dependencies bumped (#204, #231, #253, #269).

2.5.2 - 2018-02-04

  • Watch results are now RecursiveOpenStruct inside arrays too (#279).
  • Fixed watch .finish sometimes caused Errno::EBADF exception from the reading loop (#280).
  • Easing dependency version (#287, #301)

2.5.1 - 2017-10-12

No changes since 2.5.0, fixed packaging mistake.

[2.5.0 - 2017-10-12 was YANKED]


  • as: raw option for get_* methods returning a string (#262 via #271).

2.4.0 - 2017-05-10

past version 1.2.0

Replace Specific Entity class references:


with the generic

Where ever possible.