This document describes the basics on Prajna deployment.
The essential of Prajna deployment to a cluster (or just a set of machines) is to copy and launch the Prajna daemon, which will in turn launch Prajna container to each properly provisioned machine.
A Prajna daemon is going to use
- a port for daemon to accept job requests
- a range of ports ( one port for each container) to communicate between containers
The most basic requirement for a machine is to launch the Prajna daemon, and open these ports. Thereafter, the Prajna container can be launched using these ports. Of course, these machines need to be accessible from the machine where user runs Prajna applications.
The daemon is called "PrajnaClient.exe"
- For user of the Nuget package, when the Prajna package is installed, the daemon and its dependencies are located in subfolder tools\Client
- For user of the GitHub source code, after the source tree is built, the daemon and its dependencies are located in subfolder bin\ReleaseX64\Client or bin\DebugX64\Client
To launch the daemon, use the following arguments
-port 1005 -jobports 1250-1300
An extra argument can be provided it request authentication is desired.
-pwd somepasswd
Depending on the environment and user preference, the way to provision, deploy, and launch the client can vary. Please refer to the subfolders for additional steps in each environment.
Once the client is deployed to a set of machines. User needs to construct a cluster list file that the Prajna application will use.
It is a plain-text file with an ".lst" extension. An example looks like
Machine0, port0
Machine1, port1
Machine2, port2
The first line specifies "ClusterName,Port,Password". ClusterName is a unique identifier of the cluster that the runtime will use. Port is what specified by "-port" argument during client launch. If the daemon is launched with a "-pwd" argument, please also specify the password when using the cluster.
Use a tool called ClusterStatus.exe
- For user of the Nuget package, it is located in subfolder tools\ClusterStatus
- For user of the GitHub source code, after the source tree is built, it is located in subfolder bin\ReleaseX64\ClusterStatus or bin\DebugX64\ClusterStatus
If the tool can show the disk usages etc on the target machines, it means the deployment is successful.
Prajna applications will construct the cluster object by (in C#) supplying the path to this list file:
var cluster = new Cluster(pathToLstFile);
This section describes how to use provided Powershell scripts to deploy and launch the Prajna client on a cluster of windows domain-joined machines.
For user of Nuget package, the scripts are located in tools\Scripts\WindowsDomainCLuster For user of GitHub source, the scripts are located at src\Scripts\WindowsDomainCluster
To deploy Prajna daemon and container on all target machines, the requirements are:
- User needs to have a credential with admin privilege,
- PowerShell remote execution is enabled,
- The ports that will be used by the client are opened.
Steps 2 and 3 can be completed via script in the Setup subfolder.
In PowerShell, cd to the folder where the scripts locate, and invoke "Deploy-Clients.ps1"
PS> .\Deploy-Clients.ps1 -ComputerNames @("Machine1", "Machine2", "Machine3") -SourceLocation ..\..\Client -ClientLocation C:\Deployment\PrajnaClient -Port 1005 -JobPortRange 1250-1299
-ComputerNames specifies an array of target machines
-SourceLocation specifies the absolute or relative path to the folder that contains the client
-ClientLocation specifies the path to put the client on target machines
-Port specifies the port for the client to accept job requests
-JobPortRange specifies the range of ports to be used by the client
To enable authentication, add an extra "-Password" parameter to pass in a string of desired password. If an explict credential is required for executing powershell command on remote machines, use:
PS> $Cred = Get-Credential
It will prompt a dialog for input the credential. Here also assumes that the credential is the same for all remote machines. Then
PS> .\Deploy-Clients.ps1 -ComputerNames @("Machine1", "Machine2", "Machine3") -SourceLocation ..\..\Client -ClientLocation C:\Deployment\PrajnaClient -Port 1005 -JobPortRange 1250-1299 -Cred $Cred
- Start-Clients.ps1 : start clients on machines by specify the location of the clients on the machines, for example
PS> .\Start-Clients.ps1 -ComputerNames @("Machine1", "Machine2", "Machine3") -ClientLocation C:\Deployment\PrajnaClient -Port 1005 -JobPortRange 1250-1299 -ShutdownRunningClients $true
- Stop-Clients.ps1: stop clients on machines by specify the location of the clients on the machines
pS> .\Stop-Clients.ps1 -ComputerNames @("Machine1", "Machine2", "Machine3") -ClientLocation C:\Deployment\PrajnaClient
- Start-Client.ps1 : start the client on a single machine
- Stop-Client.ps1: stop the client on a single machine