It is a book review website built using Flask where the user can search for over 5000 books, provide reviews and view reviews from other users.
Note: The site uses book data from by via an API.
This website is made for Project 1 of Harvard's CS50w: Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course
Project is created with:
- Flask version: 1.1.2
- Python version: 3.9.1
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 4
- SQLAlchemy
- Javascript
- Jinja 2
Visit the Youtube link for website walkthrough video
- Gives recommendations based on the top 10 highest rated books
- Search feature to find a book based on its title/author name/ISBN from a list of over 5000 books
- User can view ratings and reviews provided by other readers for any book
- Users can rate the book on a scale of 1 to 5. They can also post reviews for the book
- A personalized profile section to keep a record of previously rated books
After cloning the repository, run the following commands
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export
$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
$ export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://
$ flask run