This guide shows how to add a Grafana dashboard using Healthwatch for Tanzu AI Solutions
- Approx 11 IP addresss
- Approx 21 vCPUs, although only consumes approx 1 GHz
- Approx 16 GB memory
- Approx 100 GB storage
- GenAI on Tanzu Platform already deployed
- Healthwatch 2.3.1 and Healthwatch Exporter 2.3.1 deployed
- Steps are provided below on how to deploy Healthwatch and Healthwatch Exporter if not already deployed
- Healthwatch
- healthwatch-2.3.1-build.47.pivotal
- Healthwatch Exporter
- p-healthwatch2-pas-exporter-2.3.1-build.47.pivotal
Offical docs
Import the Healthwatch Exporter tile by clicking "import a product" and then click "+" once its imported
Minimum config
- Assign AZs and Networks
- select service network
- BOSH Health Metric Exporter VM
- Availability zone: check
Note: Don't apply changes yet. Proceed to the next section.
Offical docs
Import the Healthwatch tile by clicking "import a product" and then click "+" once its imported
Installation Dashboard > Review Pending changes > Apply Changes
- Retrieve log in credentials
- Tanzu Operations Manager > Healthwatch > Credentials > Grafana > Admin Login Password
- Open browser to grafana.your-sys-domain
- Log in using credentials retrieved above
- Toggle / burger menu icon > Dashboards > New > Import
- Copy and paste the grafana dasboard json from the appendix below into the "Import via panel json" window and click Load
- Change "Folder" drop down to "Tanzu Application Service" and click "Import"
- Home > Dashboards > Tanzu Application Server > AI Server > Settings
- Tags > Add "Healthwatch" as a tag
- Save dashboard > Save
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