The ros2_control
implementation for any kind of Unitree motors.
The dynamixel_hardware
package is the SystemInterface
implementation for the multiple ROBOTIS Dynamixel servos.
It was only tested "GO-M8010-6". "A1" and "B1" were not tested.
First install ROS 2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04. Then follow the instruction below.
$ source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/ros/${YourWorkSpace} && cd ~/ros/${YourWorkSpace}/src
$ git clone /~
$ cd -
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ colcon build --symlink-install
$ . install/setup.bash
$ ros2 launch unitree_hardware
$ ros2 launch unitree_hardware
$ ros2 topic pub /position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "layout:
dim: []
data_offset: 0
data: [2.0]"
$ ros2 topic pub /velocity_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "layout:
dim: []
data_offset: 0
data: [2.0]"
These parameters are described in urdf/*.ros2_control.urdf.xacro
<ros2_control name="hoge" type="system">
<param name="serial_interface">/dev/ttyUSB0</param> # USB port name
<param name="use_dummy">false</param> # If true, it is in dummy mode and motors are not controlled
<joint name="pan_joint">
<param name="id">0</param>
<param name="motor_type">GO-M8010-6</param> # GO-M8010-6, A1, B1
<param name="pos_gain">0.1</param> # position gain, Make it too big and it becomes unstable.
<param name="vel_gain">0.01</param> # velocity gain, Make it too big and it becomes unstable.
<param name="temperature_limit">80.</param> # temperature limit, when the motor' temperature is exceeded it, the motor stops.
<command_interface name="position"/>
<command_interface name="velocity"/>
<command_interface name="effort"/>
<state_interface name="position"/>
<state_interface name="velocity"/>
<state_interface name="effort"/>
<transmission name="pan_joint_transmission">
<actuator name="pan_motor" role="pan_motor"/>
<joint name="pan_joint" role="pan_joint">