Please create an issue for feature requests and found bugs.
Also if you are going to fix it directly, create an issue and a pull request,
rearding this issue.
- UTF-8
- tabs to indent
- class names as
- camelCase class, variable and method names
- constants ALL_CAPS
- using JavaDoc like PHPDoc
- comments should be english, a bit german is ok
* KIMB-Forms-Project
* /~
* (c) 2018 - 2020 KIMB-technologies
* /~
* released under the terms of GNU Public License Version 3
defined( 'KIMB-FORMS-PROJECT' ) or die('Invalid Endpoint!');
// code
- normal System classes placed under
- libraries under
- api classes under
- init php files for autoloaders and setup, only small letters
- ressources to be loaded by clients under
- if library has multiple files, own folder
- list libraries in
- add license there and license file near library
- lightweight
- don't add a library if you can write your own (not huge) function
- uses PHP 7, if a function does not exist in older versions, us it nevertheless
- and add a userland/ fallback implementation in
- and add a userland/ fallback implementation in
- poll submissions have to be possible without javascript
- they can be less user friendly
- always validate the input
- think about creating new classes and methods instead of adding the same code twice