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Development environment in KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker)

Install KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker)

GO111MODULE="on" go get

Create a test env

All in one (one-node kind cluster)

# number of intended cluster nodes, defaults to 1
export NODES=1

It creates Kubernetes IN Docker cluster with a docker registry. This docker registry is accessible from host at localhost:6000 and from inside the cluster at registry:5000

Multi-node kind cluster

To run multi-node cluster you will need sufficient amount of memory (RAM) and CPU to handle multiple replicas of services e.g. 32 GB RAM and 12 CPU. Following steps provide an instruction for internal usage how to deploy VM on ESXI with docker installed on and Docker Daemon configured to listen on the 2375 port. If you have a dedicated machine wich fullfills requirements you can start from the step 3.

  1. Create a VM which will be your docker host for kind. You can do this by using ready-to-use OVA which is available under /root/dockerd/dockerd.ova path on b5s5-node3 in our lab. You can deploy a VM using following command:

     ovftool --X:logFile=upload.log --diskMode=thin --X:logLevel=verbose --name=YOUR_VM_NAME /root/dockerd/dockerd.ova  vi://
  2. Run your machine using default credentials by logging into ESXi UI. Afterwards, start virtual machine that you've just created and check IP address that VM received.

  3. You need to set environemt variable on your local machine with address of Docker Daemon from newly created machine (docker host). To do this type following command on your local terminal:

     export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://<IP OF DOCKERD VM>:2375
  4. Kubectl expects k8s APIServer listening on and some random port assigned by Docker. To change k8s APIServer IP and port, you will have to modify script. Change kindConfig by adding those two lines in networking section:

     apiServerAddress: "<IP OF DOCKERD VM>"
     apiServerPort: 6443
  5. Create test env using (remember to set variable NODES to 3). First two variables are optional and have default values.

     export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=kind
      # number of intended cluster nodes, defaults to 1
     export NODES=3

Download all required images to a local registry


NOTE: Afterwards, you may delete downloaded images with docker image rm -f $(docker image ls -q) as they are pushed to separate registry.

Apply operator and cluster


Destroy operator and cluster


Delete cluster

kind delete cluster

E2E tests

Run test

# From contrail-operator root directory
# Use operator-sdk version >= v.0.13
kubectl create namespace contrail
operator-sdk test local ./test/e2e/ --operator-namespace contrail --go-test-flags "-v -timeout=30m" --up-local