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691 lines (574 loc) · 52.9 KB

File metadata and controls

691 lines (574 loc) · 52.9 KB


Affected components:

  • Migrations:
    • (A) 1733920148217-Data.js
    • views migration
  • GraphQL schema:
    • (M) Comment: added tipTier, tipAmount and sortPriority fields
    • (M) OperatorPermission: added SET_TIP_TIERS variant
    • (A) CommentTipTier: new enum
  • GraphQL server:
    • (A) tipTiers (query)
    • (A) setTipTierAmounts (mutation)
  • Processor:
    • (M) Members.MemberRemarked (event handler)
  • Config:
  • Dockerfile


  • Added support for Atlas tipping functionality:
    • added COMMENT_TIP_TIERS config variable and corresponding tipTiers query and setTipTierAmounts mutation which allow configuring the minimum amounts of JOY tokens required to obtain each tier (SILVER / GOLD / DIAMOND) when adding a video comment with a tip.
    • modified MemberRemarked event handler: processCreateCommentMessage now takes payment parameter and assigns a tipTier, tipAmount and sortPriority to a comment based on the amount of JOY paid to channel reward account.
    • updated GraphQL schema (Comment, CommentTipTier) and migrations to support new Comment fields.

Bug Fixes:

  • Dockerfile: added missing entrypoints and opentelemetry directories.


Affected components:

  • Processor (non-breaking changes)
  • GraphQL server (non-breaking changes)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed video relevance calculation algorithm by:
    • Ignoring publishedBeforeJoystream date if it's in the future,
    • Fixing a bug with Joystream/YT creation weight formula,
    • Introduced an age limit of 365 days to prevent negative relevance score
  • Fixed ineffective videoRelevanceManager calls in GraphQL server due to videoRelevanceManager not being turned on.
  • Fixed a bug causing both GraphQL server and Processor services to run video relevance and language update loops (which only processor should be running)
  • Fixed imports in GraphQl server and Processor by moving shared utilities to root utils directory to prevent mix-ups.


Affected components:

  • Migrations (marketplace_tokens view)
  • GraphQL server (tokensWithPriceChange and topSellingToken queries, setCrtMarketCapMinVolume mutation)
  • Docker compose


  • tokensWithPriceChange, marketplaceTokens and topSellingToken queries now only take the currently active AMM sale into account when calculating values such as volume / liquidity / price change.
  • marketplaceTokens query now takes into account a configurable CRT_MARKET_CAP_MIN_VOLUME_JOY value which allows specifying a volume threshold below which tokens are considered to have no market cap.
  • added minVolume argument to tokensWithPriceChange query to allow filtering out tokens w/ negligible volume
  • updated docker setup to support the latest docker version

Bug Fixes:

  • tokensWithPriceChange and marketplaceTokens queries returned incorrect price changes when no transactions were made in the given period. Now at least one transaction in the provided period is required to calculate price change.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Set Notification.dispatchBlock field for all type of notifications (both future and immediate), to allow querying notifications by block number at which they should be delivered - #344


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: avoiding IDs override/conflict while creating concurrent runtime notifications by reading/updating the nextEntityId from the overlay instead of DB - #342
  • Fixed: removed possibility of creating duplicate CRT notifications in processAmmActivatedEvent and processTokenSaleInitializedEvent mappings if the account being notified is both channel follower as well as token holder - #343


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: improve the accuracy of Video.orionLanguage field by reworking the predictVideoLanguage function in src/utils/language.ts



  • Update Email notification subjects and tests #333
  • Update Node.js version to 18.x in all github actions.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: unstake tokens atfer revenue share has been finalized.
  • Fixed: transform raw json objects to jsonb properties while importing the offchain state.
  • Fixed: bigint to number conversion in getCumulativeHistoricalShareAllocation custom resolver.
  • Fixed duplicate notifications being received by users for featured NFTs.



  • Enable both in App and email notifications for previousTopBidder in NFT Open Auction.


This is Creator Tokens (CRT) release. It introduces the CRT mappings, custom resolvers and mutations.


Schema changes

  • Added isShortDerived field to Video entity indicating whether a video is a short format, vertical video or not. This field is computed in the mappings based on the video dimensions and duration when isShort is not set in the metadata.


  • update setOrionLanguage Custom migration script.

Bug Fixes:

  • Added fix to improve the accuracy of Video.orionLanguage field by reworking the predictVideoLanguage function in src/utils/language.ts
  • Use UTC midnight epoch instead of current epoch to calculate video relevance score in VideoRelevanceManager


Schema changes

  • Added includeInHomeFeed field to Video entity indicating if the video should be included in the home feed/page.



  • setOrUnsetPublicFeedVideos: mutation to set or unset the includeInHomeFeed field of a video by the Operator.



  • dumbPublicFeedVideos: resolver to retrieve random N videos from list of all homepage videos.

DB Migrations

  • Added partial index on Video entity to include only videos that are included in the home feed (in db/migrations/2200000000000-Indexes.js)


Schema changes

  • Added isShort field to Video entity indicating whether a video is a short format, vertical video or not.


  • Disable both in App and email notifications for videoPosted notifiations type by default.
  • Remove unused @joystream/metadata-protobuf patch from assets/patches directory.


Schema changes

  • Added @schema(name: "admin") directive to hide entities (from public GRAPHQL API) in Graphql schema definitions.


  • Patch @subsquid/typeorm-config & @subsquid/typeorm-migration packages to change squid-typeorm-migration apply command to apply a single migrations file too using --filename option instead of applying the whole db/migrations directory.
  • Patch @subsquid/openreader and @subsquid/typeorm-codegen dependencies to include the db schema name too in the generated typeorm/postgres migrations, and an optional schema directive to specify the schema of any GRAPHQL entity.

DB Migrations

  • Update generate-migrations makefile command. Now the existing *-Data.js will not be overwritten, instead a new *-Data.js migration file (containing only changes compared to the previous DB state) will be added whenever there are GRAPHQL schema changes. The *-Views.js migration file will also be updated whenever the GRAPHQL schema changes.
  • Create generateViewsMigration.js script to create new *-Views.js migration file.
  • Separate the view definitions(in db/viewDefinitions.js) from views migration file(*-Views.js).
  • Add *-Admin.js migration file to create an admin schema & user, previously the admin schema and user was being created in the *-Views.js migration.
  • Regenerate the postgres db migrations.


Bug Fixes:

  • read/write export.json file, containing the offchain state, using big-json package, instead using Javascript native JSON.stringify function which does not work on large JSON objects



  • orionLanguage property has been added.


  • Language detection is used to populate new property on video update and creation.



  • Added index on timestamp fields on Video, Event and OwnedNft entities
  • update docker.yml github workflow to build and publish docker images.
  • added generate-migrations makefile command to generate migrations
  • adds OpenTelemetry tracing integration with graphql-server and auth-server
  • update nodejs version to node:18

Bug Fixes:

  • Extend session based on activity after initial expiry is over.
  • Fix/notification email title.
  • Improves off-chain import/export script


This release adds notifications to the orion infrastructure...

Schema changes

  • Introduced NotificationEmailDelivery entity to handle email notifications. It includes fields for tracking the notification, delivery attempts, and a discard flag.
  • Added EmailDeliveryAttempt entity to track each delivery attempt. It includes a status and timestamp.
  • Created DeliveryStatus union type that can be either EmailSuccess or EmailFailure (which includes an error status).
  • Introduced Read and Unread types to track if a notification has been read. Both are part of the ReadOrUnread union.
  • Started defining a Notification entity. It includes fields for the account, notification type, event, status, in-app visibility, creation timestamp, and recipient.
  • Defined RecipientType as a union of MemberRecipient and ChannelRecipient.
  • Introduced various notification types as part of the NotificationType union. Each type has specific fields relevant to the notification.
  • Added ChannelSuspended, NftFeaturedOnMarketPlace, ChannelVerified, ChannelExcluded, VideoExcluded, NewChannelFollower, CommentPostedToVideo, VideoLiked, VideoDisliked, NftPurchased, CreatorReceivesAuctionBid, NftOffered, DirectChannelPaymentByMember, EnglishAuctionSettled, ChannelFundsWithdrawn, ChannelCreated, CommentReply, ReactionToComment, VideoPosted, NewAuction, NewNftOnSale, HigherBidPlaced, AuctionWon, AuctionLost, BidMadeCompletingAuction, NftRoyaltyPaid types. Each type includes fields relevant to the specific notification.
  • Introduced AccountNotificationPreferences type to handle user notification preferences.
  • Added fields for each notification type, each of which is of NotificationPreference type.
  • Channel notifications include: channelExcludedFromApp, videoExcludedFromApp, nftFeaturedOnMarketPlace, newChannelFollower, videoCommentCreated, videoLiked, videoDisliked, yppChannelVerified, yppSignupSuccessful, yppChannelSuspended, nftBought, creatorTimedAuctionExpired, bidMadeOnNft, royaltyReceived, channelPaymentReceived, channelReceivedFundsFromWg, newPayoutUpdatedByCouncil, channelFundsWithdrawn. Member notifications include: channelCreated, replyToComment, reactionToComment, videoPosted, newNftOnAuction, newNftOnSale, timedAuctionExpired, higherBidThanYoursMade, auctionWon, auctionLost, openAuctionBidCanBeWithdrawn, fundsFromCouncilReceived, fundsToExternalWalletSent, fundsFromWgReceived.
  • Introduced ChannelYppStatus as a union type in the GraphQL schema. This type represents the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) status of a channel. The ChannelYppStatus can be one of three types: YppUnverified, YppVerified, YppSuspended.


  • Ypp status mutation resolvers have been introduced, intended for the Ypp verification ops team:
    • Added verifyChannel mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware, meaning it can only be accessed by operators returning a list of VerifyChannelResults (each contaning the id of the new suspension, the channelId of the suspended channel, and the createdAt timestamp of when the suspension was created)
    • Added excludeChannel mutation (protected by the OperatorOnly middleware) to the GraphQL schema. This mutation is used to exclude a channel. It takes channelId and rationale as arguments and returns an ExcludeChannelResult (contaning the id of the new suspension, the channelId of the suspended channel, and the createdAt timestamp of when the suspension was created)
    • Added suspendChannels mutation (protected by the OperatorOnly middleware) to the GraphQL schema. This mutation is used to suspend. It takes channelIds as an argument and returns a list of SuspendChannelResult (each contaning the id of the new suspension, the channelId of the suspended channel, and the createdAt timestamp of when the suspension was created)
  • Notification-related resolvers (accessible only through the AccountOnly middleware) are intened for the use with the front end app:
    • Added markNotificationsAsRead mutation. This mutation marks specified notifications as read. It takes an array of notificationIds and returns an object with an array of IDs of notifications that were successfully marked as read.
    • Added setAccountNotificationPreferences mutation. This mutation updates the notification preferences for the current account. It takes an object of newPreferences and returns the updated notification preferences.
    • Both mutations are protected by the AccountOnly middleware, meaning they can only be accessed by authenticated accounts.
    • Added a helper function maybeUpdateNotificationPreference to update individual notification preferences if a new value is provided. This function is used in the setAccountNotificationPreferences mutation to update each preference.
  • Notification email attepmts and assets
    • Added setMaxAttemptsOnMailDelivery mutation. This mutation sets the maximum number of attempts to deliver an email notification. It takes newMaxAttempts as an argument and returns the new maximum attempts. The mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware.
    • Introduced setNewNotificationCenterPath mutation. This mutation sets the new notification center path. It takes newMaxAttempts as an argument and returns the new maximum attempts. The mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware.
    • Added setNewAppRootDomain mutation. This mutation sets the new application root domain. It takes newRootDomain as an argument and returns an object indicating whether the new root domain was applied. The mutation is protected by the OperatorOnly middleware.

Mail Scheduler module

  • mail template generation using mjml (see ./src/auth-server/emails/templates/mjml/notification.html.mst.mjml)
  • Introduced functions to handle email notifications.
  • Added getMaxAttempts function to fetch the maximum number of email delivery attempts from the configuration.
  • Added mailsToDeliver function to fetch all email notifications that have not been discarded.
  • Added deliverEmails function to process each email notification. It creates the email content, executes the delivery, and records the attempt. If the delivery is successful or the maximum number of attempts has been reached, the notification is discarded.
  • The deliverEmails function is called in the main function, which logs the result of the email delivery process.
  • The email delivery is meant (for the moment) to be scheduled via chron job (as explained on operator documentation)


  • several unit test have been introduced along with CI checks
  • Improved Home page scoring schedule logic
  • Refactored migration logic in order to migrate global account counter, which will be used also to migrate Notifications counters in future releases


  • Added EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_DELIVERY_MAX_ATTEMPTS environment variable to configure the maximum number of attempts to deliver an email notification, before the scheduler stops attending them
  • Introduced APP_ASSET_STORAGE environment variable to specify the URL where the application's assets are stored.
  • Added APP_NAME_ALT environment variable to set an alternative name for the application.
  • Introduced NOTIFICATION_ASSET_ROOT environment variable to specify the URL where the notification icons are stored.


  • added documentation for setting up the email scheduler having a Sendgrid account



  • Adds User.permission to the User entity, this however doesn't require migration logic.
  • Adds Channel.channelWeights in order to boost channel relevance. This value can be set via the setChannelWeights mutation


  • Adds supports for new permissions model for gateway operator users. Now the root user can assign/revoke operator permission/s to users using grantPermissions & revokePermissions mutations
  • Adds new setChannelWeights operator mutation to set weight/bias for any channel/s which will be used to calculate the Atlas homepage video relevance scores


  • Adds Video.createdAt as index in order to speed up Atlas home page queries



  • sum channels rewards into a new Channel.cumulativeReward field
  • start Channel.cumulativeRewardClaimed at zero instead of null



  • Solves n+1 query issue on the AssetResolver resolvedUrls field resolver, by reusing storageBagId field if available. Resulting in faster query times and inpacting home page loading speed for front end application significantly. This fix involves only the orion_graphql-server microservice


  • adds http://localhost:3000 and as authorized CORS origins for local front end testing


Bug Fixes:

  • Store membership handles both as utf-8 string and raw bytes - #4950



  • add migration for the Account id field
  • exposes the grahql api to any unauthentcate user
  • adds an index to the videoRelevance field for the Video entity, used when loading the home page by gateways

Bug Fixes:

Fixed: Added the locking mechanism to prevent multiple asynchronous operation from having concurrent access to Overlay (Orion processor's in-memory cache layer), which otherwise could lead to one asynchronous operation overriding the changes made (to the cache) by the other asynchronous operation.


This is a major release that will contains several breaking changes due to the introduction of the user account feature. Throught this release changelog the term "registered account","account", "gateway account" will be used interchangeably in order to denote a user that has registered its credential using the provided feature


The most prominent introduction is the new authentication api, which can be run as a docker service

Authentication Api

A new authentication api in order to authenticate accounts has been introduced, based on the open-api specification The docs/developer-guide/tutorials/ has a detailed description about this, I will just list the routes provided by the api:

Version 1.0.0

  • Added new routes:

    • /anonymous-auth: Authenticate as an anonymous user, either using an existing user identifier or creating a new one.
    • /login: Login to a user's account by providing a message signed by the associated blockchain account.
    • /artifacts: Get wallet seed encryption artifacts.
    • /session-artifacts: Get and save wallet seed encryption artifacts for the current session.
    • /account: Create a new Gateway account. Requires anonymous authentication to be performed first.
    • /confirm-email: Confirm the account's email address provided during registration.
    • /request-email-confirmation-token: Request a token to be sent to the account's email address for email confirmation.
    • /change-account: Change the blockchain (Joystream) account associated with the Gateway account.
    • /logout: Terminate the current session.
  • Implemented new methods:

    • POST /anonymous-auth: Perform anonymous authentication.
    • POST /login: Perform user login.
    • GET /artifacts: Retrieve wallet seed encryption artifacts.
    • GET /session-artifacts: Retrieve wallet seed encryption artifacts for the current session.
    • POST /session-artifacts: Save wallet seed encryption artifacts for the current session on the server.
    • POST /account: Create a new Gateway account.
    • POST /confirm-email: Confirm the account's email address.
    • POST /request-email-confirmation-token: Request a token for email confirmation.
    • POST /change-account: Change the blockchain (Joystream) account associated with the Gateway account.
    • POST /logout: Terminate the current session.
  • Deprecated routes/methods:

    • None.
  • Added comprehensive documentation for easy integration and usage inside src/auth-api/docs

  • Added src/auth-api/email folder used for html template emails. Currently only registration email for a new gateway account is supported, but more email type will be supported in future releases

Note: For more detailed information about each route and method, please refer to the API documentation, inside src/auth-api/docs

Config Variables changes

  • Orion archive WS_SOURCE default value has been changed to the public endpoint wss:// (before was pointing to the local host deployment at port 9944)
  • ORION_ENV: variables has been introduced to specify between development and production stages
  • DEV_DISABLE_SAME_SITE: disables the "SameSite" attribute for cookies is used to control how cookies are sent in cross-site requests, when ORION_DEV is set to development
  • PROCESSOR_HOST variable has been removed
  • DB_ADMIN_USER and DB_ADMIN_PASS in order to create the admin user that has access to the admin schema
  • AUTH_API_PORT for specifying port for the authentication api
  • APP_NAME: Gateway name, it will be used in the email sent to the account owners.
  • SESSION_EXPIRY_AFTER_INACTIVITY_MINUTES how much a session should last for an inactive user
  • SESSION_MAX_DURATION_HOURS max session duration in hours
  • EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_ROUTE api route for email confirmation
  • EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_EXPIRY_HOURS: how many hours does a confirmation token lasts
  • EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_RATE_LIMIT: how many requests for a new e-mail confirmation token can be made within EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME_HOURS` for a given e-mail address
  • COOKIE_SECRET: secret used to sign cookies, to make sure they come from Orion and have not been tampered with
  • TRUSTED_REVERSE_PROXY variable has been superseeded by TRUST_PROXY
  • OPEN_API_PLAYGROUND whether or not have a openapi playground on localhost
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY API key from sendgrid, used for sending email to the gateway account owners (for the purpose of email confirmation only at the moment)
  • OPERATOR_SECRET: string used as identifier for the root user. Despite not being a new addition to the release now it is being stored in the database and it gives access to the hidden entities and OperatorOnly queries/mutations


  • A new rule for spinning up the auth api has been added as make serve-auth-api
  • A new joystream.jsonl has been added. This file contains the metadata necessary for generating correct events with respective appropriate version numbers from the metadata via the make typegen command



  • VideoViewEvent.ip: String replaced by VideoViewEvent.user: User
  • NftFeaturingRequest.ip: String replaced by NftFeaturingRequest.user: User
  • ChannelFollow.ip: String replaced by ChannelFollow.user: User


The following entities have been introduced together with the new account management system, more information about them is provided in the developer guide

  • User: basic representation of a client App / Oriol user, it can be either an anonymous user (have no related Account) or a gateway account owner. A User can be associated with activities such as viewing a video, or searching for specific content, which can be later used to provide a personalized experience to the user once they create an account.
  • EncryptionArtifacts: SessionEncryptionArtifacts represents a set of encryption artifacts (cipherIv and cipherKey) associated with a given session, allowing the Client app to more securely store Blockchain account's seed throughout the session
  • SessionEncryptionArtifacts: represents a set of encryption artifacts (cipherIv and encryptedSeed) which can be used by the Client app to decrypt the seed of a Blockchain account based on the account's login credentials (email and password)
  • Session: represents a specific activity period for a User
  • Account: represents a Gateway Account which can be accessed by the Gateway account owner by logging in
  • Token: represets a unique, securely random string generated by the Auth API for a given account, which allows executing a specific action on the account's behalf without authentication
  • AccountData short form version of Account displaying relevant account information
  • FollowedChannel entities containing information about a channel being followed by an account


  • GatewayConfig entity has been added in order to allow persisting configuration variables of different types in the database. The logic of retrieving setting and updating configration variables is defined in src/utils/config.ts Each configuration variable specified in src/utils/config.ts has a corresponding environment variable which serves as a default value in case the cnofig value is not set in the database. The information stored will be: ( config_variable_name, value, last_modified_at_timestamp)


Following the introduction of user-accounts a new middleware authentication has been introduced, allowing the execution of resolvers only to user that have registered an account on orion. In particular a new MiddleWareFn has been introduced AccountOnly for this purpose only. This means that some previously accessible queries / mutations now have been restricted to registered users only



  • accountData: resolver for which a registered account can gather information such as id, mail, joystream address, joystream memberid, and whether his email has been verified


  • getVideoPerIpLimit: has been removed



Several changes are due to the ContextWithIp type being replaced by a Context that contains user's sesion and possibly account information

  • followChannel:
    • now executable only by registered account
    • argument ctx: ContextWithIp has been replaced by a ctx: Context containing account informations
    • ChannelFollowResult.cancelToken field on the return type has been removed and ChannelFollowResult.followId has been added
  • unfollowChannel:
    • now executable only by registered account
    • context argument ctx: ContextWithIp has been replaced by ctx: Context already containing registered account informations
    • UnfollowChannelArgs.token argument for the unfollowChannel resolver has been removed
  • requestNftFeatured ctx: ContextWithIp arg has been replaced by ctx: Context in order to access user information and NftFeatureRequestInfo.reporterId field has been dropped
  • addVideoView ctx: ContextWithIp argument has been replaced by a ctx: Context argument
  • reportVideo:
    • ctx: ContextWithIp argument has been replaced by a ctx: Context argument
    • VideoReportInfo.reporterIp: string field on the return type been dropped
  • reportChannel:
    • ctx: ContextWithIp argument has been replaced by a ctx: Context argument
    • ChannelReportInfo.reporterIp: string field on the return type been dropped
  • setVideoViewPerIpLimit:
    • has been renamed to setVideoViewPerUserLimit
    • argument changed from VideoViewPerIpTimeLimitInput to VideoViewPerUserTimeLimitInput

Data migration

  • VideoView, Report and NftFeaturingRequest entities will be persisted. However, they will all be assigned to a mock "migration user", created during import (with id: v2-migration-{random-id-string})
  • ChannelFollows will not be persisted. In v3, you need to have a registered account in order to follow a channel.


The /doc folder has been improved by adding several pieces of documentation, containing explainers and tutorials for both developers and gateway operators



  • Change: The video relevance score formula has been updated. Now Video.publishedBeforeJoystream can be taken into account when calculating the value of the newness parameter. The new formula for newness is:
    -(dsPOJ * jcw + dsPBJ * ycw) / (jcw + ycw)
    dsPOJ - days since published on Joystream (Video.createdAt)
    jcw - joystream creation weight
    dsPBJ - days since published before Joystream (Video.publishedBeforeJoystream)
    ycw - YouTube creation weight

Config values:

  • Change: RELEVANCE_WEIGHTS config value now has a new format:
        1, # newness weight,
        0.03, # views weight
        0.3, # comments weight
        0.5, # reactions weight
    +   [7,3] # [joystream creation weight, YouTube creation weight]
    If the value of [joystream creation weight, YouTube creation weight] is not provided, it is set to [7,3] by default.

Schema/API changes:

  • Change: setVideoWeights operator mutation now accepts 2 new arguments: joysteamTimestampSubWeight and ytTimestampSubWeight


  • videoRelevanceManager is now used in processVideoCreatedEvent to calculate videoRelevance (to avoid code duplication)

DB Optimalizations:

  • Changes in postgres.conf to improve query execution time in current production deployments:
    • Turn off JIT compilation which was usually uneffective
    • Lower random_page_cost to 1.0, as the database still fits into the memory
    • Increase shared_buffers to 2GB
  • New indexes added to db/migrations/2100000000000-Indexes.js (auction_type, member_metadata_avatar, owned_nft_auction)


  • scripts/ has been made executable w/o bash to avoid error during docker build
  • The issue w/ Offchain State not being imported if the export.json contained empty update tables (an error was thrown in this case) has been fixed



  • New feature: Video relevance. Video relevance is a score calculated based on the age of the video (time since upload) and the number of views, comments and reactions it has. The weight of each of these factors can be configured through VideoRelevanceWeights config value (using the new setVideoWeights mutation). The relevance score is automatically recalculated for a video:
    • every hour,
    • in case its number of views increased and is now divisible by VideoRelevanceViewsTick config value,
    • in case its number of vidoe's reactions / comments has changed.

Config values:

  • New config value: VideoRelevanceWeights - used to configure the weights of the factors used to calculate video relevance score.
  • New config value: VideoRelevanceViewsTick - used to configure the number of views after which the video relevance score should be recalculated.

Schema/API changes:

  • New field: Video.videoRelevance - video relevance score.
  • New mutation: setVideoWeights - used to set the value of VideoRelevanceWeights config.
  • New query: topSellingChannels - used to retrieve channels with highest nft sales volume in a given period of time.
  • New query: endingAuctionsNfts - used to retrieve nfts that are on active english auction, ordered by the time left until the auction ends.
  • Changes to mostViewedVideosConnection query:
    • INNER JOIN to video_view_events table is now used, which means videos with 0 views will no longer appear in the results;
    • in case both periodDays arg is provided and viewsNum is part of the orderBy clause, the videos are now ordered by the number of views in the specified period (not the number of views in general)
  • Added integration w/ the new relevance score recalculation service in terms of recalculating scores on addVideoView, setVideoReactions and excludeContent mutations.


  • Added integration w/ the new relevance score recalculation service, responsible for recalculating the score for all videos every hour, as well as in case of the following events:
    • ReactVideo metaprotocol message,
    • CreateComment metaprotocol message,
    • DeleteComment metaprotocol message,
    • ModerateComment metaprotocol message,


  • Fixed docker build and added automatic joystream/orion docker image publishing to docker hub.
  • Improved data migration process during deployment w/ the new OffchainMigration service, which can export and import database entities as well as individual field values.

2.1.0 (Ephesus release)

Schema/API changes:

  • cumulativeRewardClaimed field has been added to Channel
  • new types are now supported:
    • ChannelRewardClaimedEventData
    • ChannelRewardClaimedAndWithdrawnEventData
    • ChannelFundsWithdrawnEventData
    • ChannelPayoutsUpdatedEventData
    • ChannelPaymentMadeEventData
  • New MetaprotocolTransactionResult variant: MetaprotocolTransactionResultChannelPaid
  • New DataObjectType variant: DataObjectTypeChannelPayoutsPayload


  • Added support for handling both pre and post-Ephesus version of the following events updated in Ephesus:
    • Members.MemberInvited
    • Members.MemberRemarked
  • New mappings for the following events:
    • Content.ChannelPayoutsUpdated
    • Content.ChannelRewardUpdated
    • Content.ChannelRewardClaimedAndWithdrawn
    • Content.ChannelFundsWithdrawn
  • Support for new MemberRemark metaprotocol transaction type: makeChannelPayment (direct channel payment)

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed: Events that had a relationship to an auction bid through data->>'winningBid' were not properly hidden when the bid was excluded from the visible data thorugh excludeContent functionality. This was causing errors such as Cannot return null for non-nullable field OpenAuctionBidAcceptedEventData.winningBid when querying for OpenAuctionBidAcceptedEventData events.


Orion v2 is a major architecture change compared to Orion v1:

  • No proxying to external Query Node: Event processing is now part of Orion, the state is unified in a single database (PostgreSQL) instead of being spread between Joystream Query Node and Orion.
  • Subsquid framework is now used for event processing and GraphQL api generation.

For detailed overview of the new architecture, see the developer guide

External api changes


  • Significantly improved query speed should be observed in most cases (the average query should be 2x faster in Orion v2, see the latest benchmarking results)


  • Generally reduced set of supported queries and queryable entity fields. Only queries for the entities based on members, content and storage Joystream modules, which are relevant to Atlas, are now supported by Orion. Additionally, fields like ownerCuratorGroup, channel's collaborators etc., which are not yet supported by Atlas are also not yet supported in Orion v2.
  • Event interface has been replaced with EventData union, as GraphQL interfaces are not supported in Subsquid. This affects the way events query works, as well as removes specific event queries (like categoryCreatedEvents, videoReactedEvents etc.)
  • Some redundant relationships were removed (for example, entities that had relation to both Video and video's Channel, now may only have relation to a Video. Similarly, entities that contained ownerMember/ownerCuratorGroup fields, but also had a relation to Channel, no longer include redundant channel ownership information), which were previously required to workaround lack of deeply nested filtering. For the same reason, other relations were replaced with more specific ones (for exmaple auction instead of video). Some examples of this include:
    • Auction bid canceled event has a relation to bid instead of video,
    • Auction bid made event no longer has bidAmount, previousTopBid and previousTopBidder. They can all be derived from the related bid instead,
    • Auction canceled event has a relation to auction instead of video,
    • Event with winningBid field no longer contian relations like video or winner, as they can be derived from winningBid,
    • Most of other nft-related events now have a relation to nft instead of video.
  • NFT's transactionalStatus and transactionalStatusAuction is now represented as a single transactionalStatus which includes TransactionalStatusAuction as one of the variants.
  • Entity fields like nftOwnerMember, isNftOwnerChannel, nftOwnerCuratorGroup have been relaplaced with a single NftOwner union.
  • Channel.followsNum, Channel.videoViewsNum and Video.viewsNum fields have been added and can now be used for filtering, sorting etc. (in Orion v1 fields like Channel.follows, Channel.views and Video.views also existed, but had limited functionality)
  • Some small differences in the representation of empty values:
    • Auction.buyNowPrice: 0 => null
    • Comment.reactionsCountByReactionId: [] => null
    • DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas: [] => null
    • VideoCategory.description: '' => null
  • Some small differences in types:
    • StorageBag.owner.channelId: number => string
  • DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas is now a jsonb field, so it was possible to skip one level of nesting:
    • DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas.area => DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata.areas
  • Some fileds were renamed:
    • Event.createdAt => Event.timestamp
    • *Event.contentActor => *
    • NftBoughtEvent.member => NftBoughtEventData.buyer
    • Membership.memberBannedFromChannels => Membership.bannedFromChannels
  • Some entity ids are not backward-compatible:
    • DistributionBucketFamilyMetadata
    • StorageBucketOperatorMetadata
    • DistributionBucketOperatorMetadata
    • MemberMetadata
    • Event
  • Some entities no longer have ids, as are now stored as jsonb objects in the parent table:
    • GeoCoordinates
    • NodeLocationMetadata
    • DistributionBucketFamilyGeographicArea
    • CommentReactionsCountByReactionId
    • VideoReactionsCountByReactionType
  • In Orion v1 providing a non-existing category id resulted in a creation of empty video category (without any name or description). Such categories are no longer created, providing non-existing category as part of ContentMetadata results in setting Video.category to null instead.
  • Channel.activeVideoCounter and VideoCategory.activeVideoCounter fields have been removed, instead custom extendedChannels and extendedVideoCategories queries have been introduced, which allow retrieving the number of active videos per channel/category.
  • createdAt and updatedAt fields are no longer automatically added to entities in Subsquid, so most of the entities no longer include them (unless they were explicitly required by Atlas).
  • Many-to-Many entity relationships are not supported in Subsquid, so those relationships were refactored to 2-side Many-to-One relationships with a specific "join entity". This means that some queries may now require one more level of nesting, ie.:
    • =>
    • =>
    • =>
    • =>
    • =>
    • =>
    • =>
  • Language entity has been removed. Language is now represented as a simple ISO code string.
  • DataTime format is slightly different:
    • 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z => 2022-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z
  • { entity { relatedEntityId } } syntax is not supported in Subsquid, { entity { relatedEntity { id } } } has to be used instead
  • the type of entity id property is now String (previously ID)
  • entityByUniqueInput queries are no longer supported. The new entityById queries can be used instead in some cases.
  • admin query (kill switch) was renamed to getKillSwitch
  • categoryFeaturedVideos and allCategoriesFeaturedVideos queries do not exist anymore. Instead, videos featured in a category can be accessed through category.featuredVideos relation
  • mostViewedCategories and mostViewedCategoriesAllTime queries have been removed (currently unused by Atalas)
  • discoverChannels and promisingChannels queries has been removed in favor of a new more generic/reusable mostRecentChannels query (searching among X most recent channels)
  • popularChannels query has been removed, as the same results can now be obtained with channels/extendedChannels query with orderBy: videoViewsNum_DESC, limit: 15
  • top10Channels query has been removed as the same results can now be obtained with channels/extendedChannels query with orderBy: followsNum_DESC, limit: 10
  • mostViewedChannelsConnection and mostFollowedChannelsConnection queries have been removed (currently unused by Atalas)
  • top10VideosThisWeek and top10VideosThisMonth queries have been removed, as the same results can now be obtained with mostViewedVideosConnection(limit: 10, where: $where, periodDays: (7|30), orderBy: createdAt_DESC) query
  • search query is temporarily not supported (unused by Atals)
  • channelNftCollectors query now takes channelId: String! input instead of where: ChannelNftCollectorsWhereInput. orderBy variants have been reduced to amount_ASC and amount_DESC
  • ChannelFundsWithdrawnEventData.account as well as ChannelRewardClaimedAndWithdrawnEventData.account are now null in case the funds destination was Council and account address otherwise (periously this field contained a json string representing the serialized ChannelFundsDestination enum)
  • Event ids are now assigned sequentially (00000001, 00000002, 00000003 etc.) instead of being {blockNumber}-{indexInBlock}. Because all events now live in the same database table, {blockNumber}-{indexInBlock} would no longer be a unique identifier when dealing with metaprotocol events (as there can be multiple metaprotocol events triggered by the same runtime event)
  • MetaprotocolTransactionStatus has been renamed to MetaprotocolTransactionResult and now also includes variants that have been previously represented by optional fields of MetaprotocolTransactionSuccessful (MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentCreated, MetaprotocolTransactionResultCommentEdited etc.). To check if the transaction was generally successful you can now use event.result.isTypeOf !== 'MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed'
  • MetaprotocolTransactionErrored variant has been replaced with MetaprotocolTransactionResultFailed and may include slightly different error messages. The error messages should be completely removed and replaced with error codes in the future.
  • The default limit for number of returned rows when no limit was provided in Orion v1 was 50. In Orion v2 there is no default limit(!)

New query features

  • (Subsquid) Deeply nested filtering (for example: videos(where: { channel: { avatarPhoto: { storageBag: { storageBuckets_some: { id_eq: "1" } } } } })) is now supported, as well as nested field queries
  • (Subsquid) There are a few new properties for where inputs of queries, like filed_isNull, field_containsInsensitive, field_not_(eq|in|contains|containsInsensitive|endsWith|startsWith)
  • It is now possible to query the resolvedUrls property of any StorageDataObject (for example: { videoById(id: "1") { media { resolvedUrls } } }). The Orion v2 GraphQL server will then resolve it to a list of available asset urls, based on its internal distributor nodes data cache. If you provide x-client-loc header, Orion v2 will additionally prioritize distributor nodes closest to the provided location when resolving the url. The value for x-client-loc should be provided in lat,lon format, where lat is the latitude (-90, 90) and lon is the longitude (-180, 180), for example: x-client-loc: 42.557127,-103.886719. You can also provide x-asset-urls-limit to specify the maximum number of urls to return per asset (by default all available urls will be returned).
  • Censored channels and videos belonging to censored channels, as well as channels/videos excluded by the gateway operator via excludeContent mutation are now filtered-out from all query results by default. The same applies to videos belonging to categories not supported by the gateway (see: setSupportedCategories operator mutation and operator queries for more details)
  • Video comments can also be excluded by the gateway operator via excludeContent mutation, but they are not filtered out from the query results in that case. Instead, their text is hidden and they can be identified by having isExcluded property set to true.
  • Entities like VideoViewEvent, Report and ChannelFollow are now part of the Subsquid GraphQL input schema / PostgreSQL database schema. In Orion v1 similar entities were stored in a local MongoDB database and some of them were exposed for the gateway operator via authorized queries like reportedChannels, reportedVideos. In Orion v2 the api includes autogenerated queries like videoViewEvents, videoViewEventsConnection, reports, reportsConnection, channelFollows, channelFollowsConnection etc. with all the features provided by Subsquid's Openreader. However, just like in Orion v1, this data is also hidden from the public view as it includes sensitive information like IP addresses of the users. Only the Gateway operator is able to query this hidden data (see operator queries for more details).
  • VideoHero entity includes additional fields (video, activatedAt)
  • Featured nfts: OwnedNfts now have isFeatured property can be set by the Gateway operator.

New queries

  • getVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit: allows retrieving the current value of VideoViewPerIpTimeLimit config value (see also: setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit under operator mutations)
  • In order to optimize Atlas queries that do complex filtering of Event entities, like GetNotifications, GetNftHistory and GetNftActivities, a few new entities were introduced which include a reltionship to Event (this was not possible in Orion v1, as there wasn't a single Event entity). The new entities (and associated queries) are: Notification (notifications, notificationsConnection), NftHistoryEntry (nftHistoryEntries, nftHistoryEntriesConnection) and NftActivity (nftActivities, nftActivitiesConnection).
  • historical VideoHero snapshots can now be queried using new autogenerated queries like videoHeros, videoHeroById etc.

Bug fixes

  • Auction.topBid can no longer be a canceled bid (this was previously possible in OpenAuction). In case the top bid gets canceled, the next best bid is set as Auction.topBid. In case there is no next best bid, Auction.topBid is set to null.
  • In Orion v1 (Query Node), when a member placed a bid in OpenAuction, it was possible for their bid in an old, already finalized auction for the same nft to get canceled (even if it was already a winning bid). Now this will no longer happen.
  • Video.pinnedComment relation was incorrectly declared in Orion v1 (Query Node) input schema, which resulted in some comments, which were never actually pinned, being returned as Video.pinnedComment. This should no longer happen in Orion v2.
  • In Orion v1 (Query Node) sometimes the createdAt field of an entity (like Memberships) would be incorrectly modified on update. This will no longer happen in Orion v2, as fields like createdAt need to be added explicitly in Subsquid and are no longer automatically managed.
  • Using property aliases was not working in Orion v1 (for example: channels { channelId: id }), this is no longer an issue in Orion v2.
  • OwnedNft.creatorRoyalty was incorrectly calculated in Orion v1 (rounded down to nearest integer), this has been fixed in Orion v2, so that now creatorRoyalty can have non-integer value (like 0.5).

Operator queries

  • An authorized operator, who provided a valid x-operator-secret HTTP header, can see any entities hidden from the public view in the query results (unless explicitly filtered out by the query where conditions or otherwise). Those include:
    • Censored (by the DAO) channels & videos and their related entities (nfts, auctions, comments, reactions, metadata entities etc.),
    • Excluded (censored by the Gateway) channels, videos and their related entities (nfts, auctions, reactions, metadata entities etc.),
    • Any content not belonging to a category currently supported by the Gateway,
    • Other entities hidden from public view for security reasons:
      • VideoViewEvents,
      • Reports,
      • ChannelFollows,
      • NftFeaturingRequests.


  • stateSubscription has been renamed to processorState, properties have been reduced to just lastProcessedBlock

User Mutations


  • addVideoView:
    • no longer requires channelId and categoryId as input
    • now only increases number of video views if the request is a unique request per ip-videoId pair in the last Config.VideoViewPerIpTimeLimit seconds (to prevent abuse). This limit can be set via environment variable or through setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit operator mutation.
    • added boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether a new view was added or not
  • followChannel:
    • channel id is now returned in channelId field of the mutation result, instead of id
    • cancelToken is now returned as part of the mutation result. This token has to be used when unfollowing the channel to prevent arbitrarly triggering unfollow when there is not matching channel follow on the client side.
    • only one follow is now counted per client ip to prevent abuse.
    • added boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether a new follow was added or not (depending on whether a matching follow already existed for given ip-channleId pair)
  • unfollowChannel
    • now additionally requires token as input (see followChannel changes)
    • removed boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether the follow was removed or not (it is only removed if there is a matching follow per token-channelId pair)
  • reportChannel/reportVideo:
    • now only one report can be sent from given ip for given channel/video to prevent abuse.
    • created boolean was added to mutation result to indicate whether a new report was created

New mutations:

  • requestNftFeatured - allows users to make a request for a given nft to be featured by the Gateway. Operator can then read those requests using the new queries like nftFeaturingRequests. Functionally this feature is similar to reportChannel/reportVideo.

Operator mutations


  • All operator mutations now require x-operator-secret HTTP header to be provided, with value equal to OPERATOR_SECRET environment value. There is currently no distinction between secret used for content featuring and other operator activities.
  • setVideoHero
    • the history of video heros' set is now persisted in the database and is publicly accessible,
    • mutation result now only includes the id of the created VideoHero entity
  • setCategoryFeaturedVideos
    • the mutation result now only includes categoryId and number of featured videos set / unset

New mutations

  • setSupportedCategories - allows specifying which video categories are supported by the gateway. Content that doesn't belong to supported categories will not be displayed in query results. This includes the categories themselves, videos, nfts, auctions, comments, reactions etc.
  • setVideoViewPerIpTimeLimit - allows specifying the time after which a video view triggered from the same ip address will be counted again (see: addVideoView)
  • excludeContent - allows excluding specified channels/videos/comments from all query results. Can be used as a gateway-level mechanism to censor some of the content. Comments are the only entities that don't get completely filtered-out from query results when excluded. Instead, their text becomes hidden and isExcluded property is set to true.
  • restoreContent - effectively the opposite of excludeContent, can be used to make content appear in the query results again (if previously excluded).
  • setFeaturedNfts - allows the operator to provide the list of nfts (ids) that are currently featured by the Gateway. This will affect the isFeatured propety of the OwnedNft entity.