{ getStatusCode() }
{ props.code }
+ We received a 404 status code from your registry.
+ The contact point was { props.url }
+ This may be caused by a misconfiguration of Docker Registry UI. Check the
+ FAQ and
+ Available options
+ Mixed Content: The page at `{ window.location.origin }`
+ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure server endpoint `{ new URL(props.url).origin }`.
+ This request may has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
+ You may unset the option `REGISTRY_URL` and set the registry server container URL in
+ `NGINX_PROXY_PASS_URL`. It's usually the name of your container, and it should be on the shame
+ network as the UI.
+ You can check the issue #277.
+ `{ props.url }` does not seems to be a correct URL, should starts with http:// or https://.