The development and community management of the project will follow the governance rules described in this document.
Project maintainers have admin access to the GitHub repository. The current project maintainers are the following:
- Josep Espasa Reig - Author and maintainer
Any member willing to participate in the development of the project will be considered as a collaborator.
Collaborators may propose changes to the project's source code. The mechanism to propose such a change is a GitHub pull request. A collaborator proposing a pull request is considered a contributor. Project maintainers will review and merge pull requests.
Both collaborators and project maintainers may propose issues. The participation in the issue discussion is open and must follow the Code of Conduct.
The group of project maintainers will be responsible for assigning labels to issues, as well as assign the issue to a project maintainer or contributor.
The group of project maintainers commit to give an answer to any issue in a period of time of 72 hours.
Both collaborators and project maintainers may propose pull requests. When a collaborator proposes a pull request, is considered contributor.
Pull requests should comply with the template provided. The assignment of labels and assignees to the pull request is the responsibility of the project author and maintainer.
The maintainer commits to give an answer to any pull request in a period of time of 72 hours.