- BookMark🔖 is an open-source project, and we are excited to hear your thoughts and ideas.
- Fork the repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone /~https://github.com/your-username/BookMark.git
- change the present working directory
cd BookMark
- Open Google Chrome browser and click on the three dots on the upper right side of the browser. Then go to More Tools and click on Extensions as shown below:
- then you can see a developer mode switch on the right upper side of the screen click on that to enable the Developer mode
- After that, click on load unpacked on the left upper side of the screen and select the BookMark repo that you have cloned on your computer.
- For better usage, click on the puzzle icon on the upper right of the browser, then click on the pin icon on MY Bookmarks.
- Open the website that you want to bookmark.
- Click on the BookMark extension icon.
- A user interface similar to this will appear:
- Now, click on the Save Bookmark button. Then, you will see an input field where you can enter the title you want to give to the bookmark.
- You can either give a custom name or leave it empty. If you leave it empty, it will save using the default name.
- You will see the bookmark on the extensions space.
- You can click on the title to visit the website.
- To remove a bookmark from the list, simply click on the Remove button next to the title, and it will be removed from the list.